Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: "Who is Jane Foster?"

After almost eight months, Adaline had been slowly growing accustomed to the trends and beginning to fit in

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After almost eight months, Adaline had been slowly growing accustomed to the trends and beginning to fit in.

Adaline had been on Asgard for seven full months. Seven months of hanging out with Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three. She also eventually met Hogun, who had been in Vanaheim when she had first met the others. Seven months of magic lessons with Frigga, which she was beginning to quickly pick up, much to Frigga's surprise, and three months since she had last seen Loki.

Somewhere along the line, as she was sneaking in to see him, she had been caught in her actions. The guard was lenient, letting her go with a warning, but had said if he caught her again, he would not hesitate to inform Odin of her rule-breaking.

So Adaline unwillingly stayed away, not wanting to be on Odin's bad side in any way, even though she believed she already was without even having done anything. She decided once she would figure out holographic projection, which had been the hardest of spells to learn, she would visit him that way to stay out of trouble. She missed Loki and was hoping he hadn't gone mad all alone in his cell.

Frigga had also found out about Adaline's abilities amidst their daily lessons and had immediately accepted her for them. She also had been given a look when Frigga had found out, as if she knew something that Adaline didn't. Adaline had continuously been on the receiving end of those gazes, and they had repeatedly confused her. 

She wished to know what they meant, but decided against berating the Queen with an essay's worth of questions.

Along with her daily lessons with Frigga, Adaline and Thor had kept up their tradition of waking up late at night to go to the kitchen. Thor sometimes initiated the exchange, as he would knock on her door and wait for her to show up in a t-shirt and shorts and follow him to the kitchen. She always got a nice hot cup of tea, while Thor just leaned on the opposite counter as her and chatted, sometimes grabbing a snack or a glass of water.

During most of the day, Adaline would stay in the library in a gloomy silence as she read the many books and translated the ones written in languages she believed to be extinct. She would read for hours on end before going to her lessons, or leaving to hang out with Sif, Fandral, or Thor who had all become really close friends of hers.

Thor, as much of a goofball as he was, became something like an overprotective brother of Adaline's. He would always make sure she was having a good time and if not, he would lift her spirits and make her laugh for many hours.

Fandral was quite the same. He would always compliment her and flirt with her, but she would just roll her eyes at his efforts knowing that he knew when it had become too much. Fandral instead became an amazing friend of hers, who would attend the celebrations that were held after a battle that ended in victory, with her. He would make sure she steered clear of the drunken men who would no doubt throw themselves at her and protect her from the ones who wouldn't take "no" for an answer; to which she would say she didn't need the help, but silently did appreciate it very much.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now