Chapter One

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When Toga suggested they go to a club, Dabi didn't think too much of it. Afterall, clubbing was something they did often enough, he guessed, and dancing with a hot guy was always a good time. What he didn't know, however, was that they were going to Ground Zero, the newest stripclub in town. Toga new one of the strippers there, Deku? Yeah, that's what she had called him. Apparently he knew the owner, and thanks to Deku's connection they got VIP access to the club. After bypassing the line curving around the outside of the club, the two friends made it inside.

"Damnnnnn", Toga said as they took in their surroundings. Dabi nodded, humming a noise of agreement. The club was nice. Purple lights illuminated white leather seats surrounding glass tables. Metal stairs coming from each side led down to the dance floor and bar. There were multiple stages with stipper poles in the center. Toga led Dabi to the bar, ordering them drinks. Dabi sipped on his drink as Toga looked around, probably for her twink friend. 

"Toga!", someone called from behind them. Dabi turned to see a young man with curly green hair and freckles weave his way towards them. Toga greeted the boy with a hug, introducing him as the one and only Deku he had heard so much about. Dabi nodded at him, taking in the tiny spandex shorts hugging his hips and bare chest. Sure, he was cute, but he wasn't Dabi's type. As Deku and Toga talked, Dabi surveyed the people at the club; which wasn't an easy job considering the amount of people in the club. It was packed, to say the least.

Not long after he showed up, Deku was gone. Presumably to continue dancing. Toga led Dabi towards the center stage where many patrons were gathered. Apparently Deku had told her that the club's most popular dancer was about to perform. Of course, Toga dragged him towards the very front of the stage, shoving people out of the way to get there. Dabi turned around to apologize to the very annoyed looking man they had just cut in front of when the fast EDM music started. "Hey Tomorrow, Fuck You And Your Friend Yesterday" by Mindless Self Indulgence, if Dabi wasn't mistaken. When he turned around to face the stage, he got an eyeful of the dancer who had occupied it. It took everything Dabi had not to gasp. "Holy shIT," Toga squealed beside him, "he's dreamy." Yeah, Dabi thought, he's fucking dreamy. The man circled the pole as the music sang about getting drunk and being young.

Dabi watched the way the blonde's hips moved and grinded against the pole, watched his golden eyes sparkle as he shimmied out of his shirt, revealing hard abs and a toned chest and, holy shit, enormous ruby wings. The man turned around and raised his arms above his head, swinging his hips to the music. It took everything Dabi had to tear his eyes away from the man's ass as he gracefully lifted himself up on the pole, twirling around it with ease. 

Towards a slower part of the song, the man crawled seductively towards the edge of the stage, fixing his gaze on the men and women reaching out towards him with cash in their hands. He crawled around the stage and stopped right in front of Dabi, kneeling over him. The blonde swayed was the music picked up, reaching out and grabbing Dabi's hand, pressing it against his chest and throwing his head back and he trailed the hand down his chest. Dabi smirked up at the man, letting his fingers graze the hard muscles. As Dabi's hand made it to the waistband of the tight shorts the man wore. The man pulled back and winked before crawling back towards the pole to finish his routine.

The song finished too soon, as far as Dabi was concerned. Dabi's gaze was transfixed on the man's back as he left the stage. "Dude! I am SO jealous! He was so into you.", Toga whined, pushing Dabi's shoulder to snap him out of it. "Fuck.", was all he could say back, because fuck. 

Dabi and Toga visited Ground Zero a couple more times that week until going there just became second nature. Dabi would make sure to get right up towards the stage whenever the blonde, Hawks, he had learned wass his stage name, was about to dance. Each night, Hawks would show Dabi a little extra attention, whether it be constant eye contact, a wink, a touch. Each time Dabi saw him, his pulse skyrocketed. No one had had such an effect on Dabi before. It was thrilling, and scary. Dabi wasn't sure if he loved or hated the feelings Hawks brought out in him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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