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JULY 4TH, 2019


baileytipton 34s

---------------------------baileytipton    34s

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raise your hand if your binging this today

it was about 5 in the afternoon and everyone was at jonah, corbyn, and eben's house for their mini 4th of july party.

it only consisted of the band, the girls, and eben.

jonah and devin spent most of the decorating their backyard to match the theme which was red, white, and blue. it was also a pool party and everyone had either red, white, or bite swimsuits.

corbyn and diamond also went and got all the food, drinks, and fireworks. since everyone agreed that brianna had the best music taste, she was in charge of the music playlist.

the rest pitched in with different ideas and brought things to make the party a tad bit better.

currently, everyone was either in the pool, eating, or dancing.

"so after the party your watching stranger things right?" sage asked bailey while they were dancing together, "yeah why?" bailey responded as she spun around sage, "well daniel hasn't seen stranger things and we were wondering if we could watch the full thing with you"


they went back to having fun and dancing, "hey bro" daniel sat beside jack which was on the edge of the pool, "wassup"

"you like bailey don't you?" daniel claimed out of the blue and took a sip of his drink, "straightforward with that, huh?" the two laughed, "no but seriously, do you?"

"i mean yeah of course" jack confessed to him, "you should tell her"

"but we've known each other for like 2 months" jack argued, furrowing his eyebrows, "i told sage i liked her" daniel responded like it was nothing, "yeah because you have confidence"

as daniel was about to respond, they suddenly felt a force on their backs which threw them into the pool. once they swam back to the surface, they saw bailey, brianna, zach, and corbyn laughing, falling on the ground.

"you should've saw your faces" brianna joked as she held her stomach, "you were all like" corbyn mocks their faces and they roll their eyes and start laughing when jonah picked up brianna, throwing her into the pool along with eben doing the same to bailey. zach then jumped in.

devin, diamond, and sage were dancing with each other and once they felt water on their arms, they looked over to see jonah, corbyn, and eben eyeing them. realisation hit their faces when realised what was about to happen.

they screamed as the three boys chased them, devin being in the bag resulting in jonah throwing her. corbyn quickly caught up diamond and threw her into the pool but sage continued running.

"daniel! come help!" eben called out. daniel quickly got out of the pool standing in front of the girl. eben and daniel gave each other a look before eben took her arms and daniel took her legs, lifting her up. they swung her a couple of times before throwing her into the pool leaving everyone in a laughing mess


it was now about 10 pm and everyone was starting to head home. bailey was frantically looking around for jack, "hey bailey! you ready?" sage asked the girl, "no! have you seen jack anywhere"

daniel then walked up, overhearing their conversation, "jack told us he was heading out like 2 hours ago"

"what? how didn't i notice?" bailey started walking over to daniel's tesla and got into the back and daniel started the car, driving off.

bailey took out her phone and texted jack.


today 10:11 pm



where are u?

we're suppose to watch the
show tonight

hey bails! i can't
make it tonight


why didn't u tell me?

i can't tell u

we can watch it tmr


"what did he say?" daniel asked once he heard bailey sigh, "he didn't tell me"

ayanna addresses 🦋

next chapter bout to be juicy
and i don't think your ready

n e wayz, love ya and prepare 😼😽

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