𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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JUNE 22ND, 2019

"come on zach! walk faster!" brianna exclaimed, pulling her boyfriends hand closer to her.

they were all walking to the pier to go ride their skate boards through the town a little bit. it was currently about 8 at night but the crew didn't care, they just wanted to hang out.

"i'm coming, bri, you guys are just walking to fast" the youngest boy complained as he ran up, "your just slow" corbyn shot back at the boy

once they finally got there, jack, being the expert he is, began teaching the few of them how to ride the skateboards, "remember that if you don't want to ride the skateboards, the car is a few blocks away and we have hoverboards in there" jack reminded them and pointed down the street.

jack had to teach zach, bailey, jonah, and diamond how to ride the skateboards and they caught on pretty quickly. all except for bailey.

"you know i'd rather just ride the hoverboard" bailey told the avery boy beside her, "okay, i'll walk with you" jack declared and bailey turned to look at him and stepped off the skateboard, "it's fine, join the others" bailey assured him, "i insist, don't want you getting kidnapped" jack protested and bailey nodded indicating 'ok'

the two began walking down the road and began conversing, "so hows life, jack?" bailey asked, to make it less awkward.

"well it's been good so far you know. i got to meet you, sage, and diamond which is cool" jack answered, "not gonna lie, it was getting boring just hanging out with brianna and devin"

"oh" bailey replies, "which reminds me, did you have a friend named, gabbie gonzalez?" bailey inquired, turning and looking at the boy, "yes" he rolls his eyes.

"she was an annoying jerk, otherwise known as my ex-girlfriend"

"ex? i never knew you had an ex?" bailey exclaimed, "yeah, why'd you bring her up?" jack questioned as they turned the corner, "well she commented on sage's post and brianna and devin looked annoyed with her" she explained, "also, she keeps dm'ing me things like 'stay away from jack' or 'jack will never like you' and it's honestly starting to get annoying"

"i am so sorry for her, we had a toxic relationship. she was really rude to us, especially devin and brianna but just block her"

"oh okay" the two got into a conversation while walking back to the car. once they finally did, bailey got the hoverboard out and they began riding back to where the rest of the crew was which they were by the beach.

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