I squinted as light flooded my vision. It was early in the afternoon. Somehow, I'd managed to get a few hours of sleep.

Groggily, I stood. My throat was dry, so I staggered to a pool of water and lapped at it, downing it. I considered food for a moment, but decided against it.

My heart still hung low in my chest, after my over-dramatic reaction to seeing Kasilaa the previous day.

I spread my wings wide and took to the sky, flying high above the wetlands I called home.

Away from insecurities.

Away from fear.

Away from desperate longing.

And yet... she followed me. Everywhere I went, I felt her there. Everytime I felt worthless or alone, I could imagine her smile, I could see our future. She comforted me and tortured me at the same time.

I flapped my wings and glided higher into the sky, above the clouds.

And then I saw her.

She glided right beside me, smiling that beautiful smile. My whole word felt brighter.

Kasilaa. I tried to glide closer to her... but then she disappeared.

Everything went cold.

Reality hit me hard, reminding me exactly how cruel the truth was. An icy breeze washed over me, leaving me cold inside and out.

My wings went limp, and I began plummeting.

I didn't even try to stop myself.

I didn't have any reason to.

She wasn't there.

She never would be.

So I fell.

And I fell...

Wind whipped past me, my surroundings blurred. I closed my eyes. A pain seared through my right wing as something sharp tore through it. I cried out, but didn't do anything more. I just let myself hit a rocky ground with a thud.

And I just lay there. Taking in long, raspy breaths, I tried to accept reality.

But I couldn't.

Not if it was this cold. This...


My wing ached, a painful sting indicating a new injury.. When I opened my eyes just to take a look, I saw her again. Sitting beside me. Smiling at me like everything was going to be okay.

I tried to sit up, tried to reach for her, I wanted to be with her. I wanted her to make the pain go away. But the moment I reached out for her... she disappeared. Agony flooded my veins as I watched her image fade, a pain both physical and mental.

I was so alone without her.

I stood, accepting the excruciating pain that followed. I probably deserved it. I was being irrational.

I scanned the small rocky island I stood on, and suddenly, the pain dissipated.

All I could feel was fear.

I was surrounded by the corpses of dragons.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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