"Please stop proving me wrong."

I looked down, unable to say anything. I really only started recording with thoughts full of the benefits it could have for me. I'm such an... asshole.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, leaving her house.

Yeseul POV - next day.

It's the day of our wedding. It's the day of our lies coming to life. I pretty much spent yesterday laying flat in bed, thinking about his apology, it was a simple I'm sorry but, the emotion in his voice... Did I really manage to make the Park Jimin see the wrong in his actions?

I took a shower and wore my robe knowing I had all the time in the world to get ready, it was 11am and the wedding ceremony started at 5pm.

*Ding Dong*

"Uh? I'm not expecting anyone this early..." I got up confused and went to open the door.


There stood a crowd of people with bags in their hands, bowing before rushing past me, entering my house like it was theirs

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There stood a crowd of people with bags in their hands, bowing before rushing past me, entering my house like it was theirs.

"What the... excuse me? What's going on?" I raised my eyebrows, kinda terrified at the situation. What if they were Jimin sasaengs who came to warn me about staying away from their oppa-

"Your mum hired us to get you ready."

Right, life isn't a fanfiction written by a 12 year old. I was relieved now understanding that the bags were full of makeup and shit. Of course my mum was a step ahead with this type of stuff.

"But we have the whole day? Why'd you guys come so early?" I asked, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Did she just- oh-"

They all bursted into laughter.

"I don't think you realise how long professional hair and makeup takes," one of them chuckled, sitting me down in front of my table.

"Your mother told us you would prefer us coming here instead of you going to our salon. So here we are," they said, blow drying my hair. Mum knows exactly what I like, how did she not notice how much I dislike Jimin..?

"We don't have much work to do, but boys and girls, let's get started," they began with my makeup, lightly applying the foundation. They took coloured contacts to make my eyes pop more before they did the eyeshadow.

For people who said they 'didn't have much work to do' they sure worked on me for which I swear to god felt like 3 days. It was already 3pm and I didn't even get the chance to eat anything. Before I could even try and get up for at least an apple or something the hair stylists started, and added all sorts of fancy accessories in, making my head weigh a solid 10kg.

"Where's your dress?" They asked, I quickly got up to go find it. I had it delivered to me from my grandma's house since my mums wedding dress wouldn't just be lying around anywhere. I finally wore it and the look was complete.



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My mums dress fit on me perfectly, imagine the chaos if it hadn't though- anyways

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My mums dress fit on me perfectly, imagine the chaos if it hadn't though- anyways. I felt like a million dollars, like literally. It was like I was some princess, it was a new, euphoric feeling. It disappeared as soon as I realised this whole look was, for his, and my, wedding.

*Ding Dong*

"Oop, that must be the people who are picking me up today..." I thought, getting up slowly to go towards the door. I wore glass heels so my clumsy ass has to be more than careful today. A black limousine with tinted windows stood outside my house, as I was walking towards it the hair stylist grabbed my wrist once again.

"Just one more addition," she smiled, pinning a purple rose clip onto my hair on the side.

"Enough ladies, my baby looks beautiful."

Wait. That voice.

"You look just as pretty as your mum did

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"You look just as pretty as your mum did."

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