Chapter 7: Infernal Insects

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" The rest of us will look for the infernals" Lieutenant Flam said

" Let's put them to rest quickly" Lieutenant Flam said

" SIR" Company 1 members yelled

" You two stand by, Jaye you will come with me" Lieutenant Flam said

" Please let us help you" Shinra said

" Hey, you need to listen to your Lieutenant Shinra, represent Company 8 by following directions" I said

" Let's go Lieutenant" I said as Lieutenant Flam nodded and led the way to the infernals

"  Oh hey Lieutenant Rekka" I said as me and Karim found him at a dead end

" Is everything ok" Lieutenant Flam asked

" Yeah, so far" Lieutenant Rekka said

" Do you feel that" I asked as I looked behind me to see Shinra flying over to us

" Shinra" Lieutenant Rekka said

" What are you doing here" Lieutenant Flam asked

" Did something happen" I asked as Shinra was just frozen

" Answer me: What are you two doing back here" Arthur said as he slid on the ground for dramatic effect

" Talk or i-" Arthur said as Shinra elbowed him in the chest and put his arm over Arthur's shoulder

" We don't get to visit Shinjuku that much so we kinda got lost" Shinra said as I nodded and looked back at the two lieutenants

" We finished, Lieutenant Rekka, all of the infernals have been laid to rest" Tamaki said as she saluted to Lieutenant Rekka

" Got it, good work Tamaki" Lieutenant Rekka said

" Kay, let's head back" Lieutenant said as I nodded and grabbed Shinra and Arthur and pulled them into a corner

" What happened" I asked

" We need to go back to our dorms" Shinra said as I nodded

" Alright then, you two better not get lost again" I said as I walked passed them and followed Lieutenant Rekka

" Hey Jaye, wanna go hang out some time later" Lieutenant Rekka asked

" I-I don't know, maybe next time" I said with a smile

" Awww, please Jaye" Lieutenant Rekka said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

" HEY" Lieutenant Flam yelled

" He said no" Lieutenant Flam said as Rekka chuckled

" Oh alright, see you later my star" Lieutenant Rekka said winking at me

" R-right, see ya" I said blushing

" Alright, let's go" Lieutenant Flam said as I walked to the matchbox which took us back to Company 1

~once at Comapny 1~

" Ok, let's go to our dorms" I said as I finished putting on my orange jumpsuit

" Yeah, let's go" Shinra said as Arthur and I followed him to our dorm

" So what did you guys find" I asked

" Someone has been making infernals and the lieutenants are our top subject" Arthur said

" How come" I asked

" Well we saw someone press a bottle onto a civilians back and then a minute after they mad contact the civilian burst into flames and turned into an infernal" Shinra explained

~Master of Inferno~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu