Juvia turned away from the grave and started to sob,"If Juvia had stayed a little longer, then maybe She could have helped." Juvia said referring to the job she went on yesterday.

"Juvia...Death is something that is unavoidable. The person may not physically be there but the memory of them will always live in your heart forever." Mirajane tried to enencouraged, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Ezra stood her distances and she lightly tears for her comrade.

Juvia turned and gave a slight smile but her lips trembled as she held back sobs. All Kai wanted was to become, Juvia's friend. Juvia burried her face in her hands. He was just a boy. He had so many years ahead of him.

"Yo, Ezra!" Natsu said emerging from the forset. She turned to Natsu with her eyes full of tears, Natsu's eyes wided.

"Ezra are you alright?!" Happy exclaimed flying to her.

"Happy, I'm fine, just a little sad, that's all." Ezra smile in reensureance.

"Javia?" Gray muttered, seeing her covering in dried blood on the ground next to what appears to be a grave. Mirajane sat besides her and tried to comfort.

Juvia looked up at Gray, her face sadden with sorrow and grief, it almost broke everyone's heart. Including Gray's.

Juvia's thoughts and emotions where still fixated on Kai. ITS NOT FAIR! Juvia wanted to scream outloud. WHY SHOULD AN INNOCENCE BOY HAVE TO DIE WHILE THAT MONSTER IS ALIVE AND WELL STILL LURKING!

Suddely like a sharp nerve being pitched in Juvia's brain as she twitched and threw her head back. She rose up with her eyes stapled wide open,"I promise I will revenge Kai." Her voice was harsh and almost psychotic.

"My my, what an unexpected surprise.." A male voice echoed through the distance.

Suddenly, a light fog grew around at the guild members feet.

The man appeared almost standing on the water in the river as he laughed insanly,"This is the amazing fairytail's members? Ha!-you gotta be shitting me!"

"Speak of the devil." Juvia spilt through her teeth standing on guard.

"Oh you want some of-" Natsu was pulled back by Ezra as she trembled with fear staring at Juvia,"I would let Juvia have this one..." Ezra stated as everyone turned to Juvia.

A dark blue and black ora lurked around of Juvia as her long waving hair blew in every direction. A shadow cast over her eyes only showing her white glaring eyes.

Everyone inched away terrified of this "new" Juvia.

The man in the distance ran his hand threw his red spiky hair back as he laughed,"awh whats the matter, little blue?"

Juvia inched forwards and suddenly the rain had stopped. The man stood there as he looked up,"what happened to the rain..."

It was clear that Juvia was not the same, she stood her strong form and her eyes expressionless with determination.

Gray, Nastu, happy, Lilly, Gajeel and Mirajane were all surprise to where they had never seen this side of Juvia. But Ezra had seen her side while battling Meredy, but she was on gaurd as well.

The man gave a upwards smile and inched forwards and with out a second more Juvia sprinted and into the river and not a second wasted started to attack with ease and a new determined face.

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about Juvie!" Natsu cheered on,"I want some of the action too!" He was stopped by Ezra,"Trust me Natsu you don't want to miss with her in that state."

"Why not it looks like fun!" Natsu agrued.

"It's not your place!" Mirajane said.

"Trust me Juvia is will capable on her own,"Ezra ensured with a frighten look on her face.

"I'm already out!" Gajeel said as Mirajane followed behind.

"I'll say behind." Gray said.

Ezra and the rest of the team nodded as they tried to reach Fairytail.

Gray stood at the edge of the river memorized of Juvia's strength.

Is this her true power? Only when she's overwhelmed with emotion..?Gray stood on the side lines and watched how strong the bluenette water Mage really was. (Very same strength to the fight Juvia vs Meredy)

Juvia dodged the mans foxfire attacks. They were flames but not nearly as strong as Natsu's. She used her water lock spell on her fist and pulled herself with the water to soccer punched him spare in the face. She locked him inside the water lock and slammed him into the river. She rose raging waves and she drived back into the river causing the man to flip in the water.

The man surfaced and spat out water,"I didn't get to introduce myself, How rude!"

Juvia was relentless, sending her water slicer techique and then a blow to the gut at close rage. It was as if she was an S-class wizard after all and her efforts was with ease.

After the man landed on his butt in the water stood up and gave out laugh and he said,"I know, your mad! Your mad about that sweet innocent boy!" He chuckled.

"SHUT UP! DON'T SPEAK TO ME!" Juvia was all and outraged she didn't even speak in the third person.

Juvia stood her grounds, in the river as she cast her water slicer spell only this time the speed was almost unbearable, even Gray on the side lines felt a cool misty wild pushing him back. And she began to slice away. The man dodged most of them but not all, after receiving a gap on the side of his face, the man's anger grew. But that didn't stop Juvia.

She sprinted full speed hiting him again with her water lock, water slicer, she even summoned three water twisters at him, sending him into a water tornado. she slam him against the water as he stood up still determined to fight. But Juvia reduced into the watery substance she is and slithered on the top layer of the water. She managed to creep and dissolved into the man's body possessing it. She broke his rips from the inside and manged to get him on higher grounds and broke his legs so he couldn't escape, knocking him out cold. Juvia emerged from the man and regain her normal state.

She stood gazing down at the man,"I wish you wouldn't have done any of this...look what you made Juvia do"

Gray was in awe and in shocked,"so this is what your capable of..?"

Juvia turned almost startled for she had forgotten Gray was watching her,"oh...Graysama?!" She turned to the man and suddenly she fell to her knees,"I'm sorry! The anger got the best of me!" Juiva began to sob.

"It's okay, Juvia...."

Juvia open her eyes to see Gray's hand.

"Come on, let's go." Gray stood looking away from her.

Juvia took his hand and together they raced back to the guild.

A man in the shadows gridded his teeth with pure disgust,"That bluenette water Mage! She'll pay, I'll make all of Fairytail PAY!"

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