What do you do during a power outage?

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Aries: Play hide and seek in the kitchen
With: Ben, Sally

Taurus: Plays uno
With: Capricorn, Ej, and Lui

Gemini: Runs around into walls
With: Leo

Cancer: Raid the kitchen
With: Laughing Jack

With: a concerned Gemini

Libra: Plays Slap Jack
With: Jeff the killer

Virgo: Sleeps through it
With: Lazari

Scorpio: Goes to the attic and jumps a lot
With: Ticci-Toby

Saggitarius: Plays Monopoly
With: Zero and Pisces

Capricorn: Makes everyone hate them in Uno
With: Ej, Lui, and Taurus

Aquarius: Lays on the stairs so someone will fall
With: Clockwork

Pisces: Raging at Monopoly
With: Zero and Saggitarius

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