༺✾ Royal Randevzous ✾༻

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Prince Jungkook was in his room, getting himself ready for a very special day as some guests had to arrive for the feast in the night

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Prince Jungkook was in his room, getting himself ready for a very special day as some guests had to arrive for the feast in the night.

Stuck amid the responsibilities and his trainings, the prince couldn't help but constantly think of the night of the ball.

The poor prince couldn't help but feel highly dejected for how the other prince ran away, without hearing his pleas. He could see those unwanted insecurities in his eyes, somehow breaking his heart into two but he was just so helpless because he had no idea how to meet the prince again, he didn't even know his name.

A heavy sigh left his lips when he watched himself in the mirror, fixing his hair before looking back at the window. He had given up on his feelings but not on his hopes to see the pretty prince again.

"Oppa~~ I heard King Kim with his family is arriving here. Isn't Kim Kingdom miles away from here?"

Princess Somi broke into her brother's room excitingly, wearing a very pretty dress for the day.

"Yes Somi, they might be on their way and may reach by the evening." Jungkook replied, fixing his shirt.

"Wow... You mean Kim princes will be here? The ones we used to play with in childhood?" Princess Somi squealed with joy, reminding his brother how they used to play with Kim princes in their childhood.

Prince Jungkook looked out of the window now, his eyes fixing into the green wide meadows, bringing him back into childhood again.

"Jungkookie? Why don't you take little prince Kim and baby Somi outside to play."

The eight years old prince Jungkook nodded his head enthusiastically, holding his four years old sister's hand and other he stretched to hold the six years old prince's hand.

The younger prince Kim only stared at his hand for a good while but then finally gave in when his ten years old elder brother nodded his head.

Prince Jungkook flashed a smile, taking the two youngsters with him into the meadows and leading the way for the very older prince, Kim Seokjin who just followed them.

All the princes wore shorts and shirts, and princess Somi was wearing her pretty frock as they excitedly ran to the meadows.

The kids had reached the meadows, near the fountain where many birds were stopping by to quench their thirsts.

"Birdie~~~" Prince Taehyung now let go of prince Jungkook's hand, running to the side of birds but they flew away as they found him approaching.

"Aigoo~~" Prince Taehyung whined now, a pout appearing on his adorable chubby face.

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