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I was shot to a time that wasn’t mine. I saw a dark haired boy with rimmed glasses dangling another dark haired boy upside down. The hand let go of my arm and I hit the floor with a light thud. I rolled over and looked up at the man. He had black hair that framed his face like curtains and was draped in all black. The look on his face was of the deepest disgust.

“The boy,” I whispered. I stood up still staring at the man in shock. He continued glaring at me with cold menace etched into his features.

“What’s your problem, twat!?” I shouted at him.

“You should mind your tongue around me, Miss Beckum!” he snapped back.

“Why is that? You going to do me the way you were done?” I asked with a wicked smile.

He smirked in return, “You are more like your father than you think.”

“You knew my father?”

“Your father was no friend of mine if you were hoping for that.” He said. I smiled and knew what this meant. “Draco, you should take Miss Beckum upstairs to get dressed.” He continued looking away from me for the first time.

“What! I’m already dressed!” I shouted.

“Hardly,” the twat scoffed. Draco nodded to him and took my hand. The man’s eyes took on a strange gleam. “You don’t see anything?” he asked looking at me without actually seeing me.

“No, I’m wearing this locket.” I touched the beautiful heart that lay upon my breasts. His eyes seemed to glaze over.  I quickly pulled on Draco’s hand so he wouldn’t notice the change himself.

 My mind was still on the man in black as we quickly walked up the stairs. I knew he knew my mum but how well? I thought about asking him but realized that would be pointless. He clearly didn’t wish to be noticed by the world and would avoid anything personal.

There was only one place to turn. I grabbed the book my mother left me and scanned through the pages.

“Draco!” I shouted startling myself as well as Draco. He sat up looking at me. “What was that man’s name?” I asked still scanning.

“Snape?” Draco asked.

“I don’t know. He knew my mum and I just want to know if they were close.” I told him.

“Looking into Snape’s past doesn’t sound like a good idea. My father has let slip a few things, and some of it I wish he hadn’t.”

My eyes widened at this and I asked, “So do you know if he was close to my mum?”

“I know this much, your mum took a fancy to Snape but Snape didn’t fancy her. They did spend a lot of time together though. I suppose it was because they were in the same house…I don’t know that I should tell you much more.”

“Did my mum sleep with him?” I asked intently looking up from my book.

“I don’t know about that, but they did kiss.”

All I could think about was my mother falling in love with that insufferable man and settling for another, even worse man just to protect herself. “Love is the most important thing in life, Kat. Find a man that loves you and that you love and keep him forever,” my mum would say to me…I sighed softly laying the book on the bed. I then rummaged through my trunk for clothing that Snape would find appropriate.

“This is bullocks!” I huffed plopping down on the bed.

“I know a charm that adjusts the length and fitting of your clothes. Your mom taught it to my mom. She would use it to mess with the boys.” Draco said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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