Goodbye Hello

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I was riding in the car with my god father, trying to remember the last time I had seen my mom. Ever since my parents died, when I was seven, I was forced to move monthly. I am a witch of pure blood being taught the magical arts by my god father, Gregory Benton. We lived mostly in the muggle world hiding from a wizard that lusted after my mother like many men before.

"Katherine," Gregory sighed before continuing, "We won't always be together." He paused and I looked at him puzzled. "When we get home I need you to pack your bags... I-I have to do this for your own good sweetheart." A phrase I have heard many times before.

"We are moving again! I hate this!! I want friends and I need to be around people like me. You know witches and wizards." I told him frustrated. He clicked the blinker on to turn in our current driveway. With a sigh as he parked the car he said, "Not we.... Just you, Katherine." I cocked my head to the side confused to what he was meaning. "Master Malfoy is coming to retrieve you tonight at nine. He is an old friend of both your parents." He paused as I shivered at the thought of someone being friends with my father. "They have a son your age (a wizard of course) and he attends the school that you will be attending soon."

I was super excited. I smiled widely and tried to remember why the name Malfoy was so familiar. "What about you?" I asked getting out of the car. He followed me into the house his mood clearly worried. He spoke as if he was fighting tears, "I am wanted by the Dark Lord for hiding you." My heart hit the floor and he could tell by the look on my face. "Your powers are strong. I am surprise you haven't for seen this." He stated reaching out to touch my face. I jumped back avoiding his touch before saying, "We haven't had contact and I rather not see if I had a choice." Tears rolled down my cheeks and I turned away. "Katherine, I am so sorry it has to end this way please go pack while I fix supper. Master Malfoy will be here in four hours." He said fighting tears of his own.

I walked upstairs to my room. My trunk was half full with all my clothes. I didn't have much more than that besides books. I studied year around my powers were so strong that I need to learn as much as I could. I am a metamorphmagus and a psychic. When I touch people I can see things that are going to happen. The more intimate the touch the more I can see.

As I packed my things I thought about the Malfoy's son. I wondered how he would look. I smiled picturing a tall, dark haired, blue eyed boy. I hadn't been around many people especially boys. When I had finished packing I laid on the cool floor trying hard to remember the Malfoy's.

I went down stairs to eat my last meal with my god father. We sat there in silence and finally I gave in to my curiosity. I grabbed Benton's hand. I closed my eyes and saw my god father sitting in his chair in the living room. The front door slammed open and a snake slithered in followed by a cloaked figure. "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Tom." Benton spoke not even looking at the hooded man. "I'm not going to fight it." He added. The hooded man stood between the television and where my god father sat. "Why would you even try to hide her from me? She must pay the due of her mother," the figure spoke I knew he was smiling by the tone of his voice. "You will never stain her purity, Riddle. Her power is stronger than both her parents combined. You will parish before you get the chance. The Chosen One- " He was interrupted by the cruciatus curse. The screams let out by the man I had loved like a father were like none I had ever heard. I snatched my hand away from his and fell to the floor.

The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake laying on the couch. "Katherine, Lucius and Draco are here" Benton spoke softly. "Draco!" I shouted in discuss. That was a name I remembered. I sat up and saw Draco smiling at me. "You missed me didn't you?" he questioned in a cocky way. I answered immediately, "NO! You pushed me in the pond the last time I saw you. My mum made me that dress. Remember? It was white and you pushed me in the pond and it turned green!" I was so in raged. He smirked and said, "I see you still know how to hold a grudge."

A Dance in the Dark (Harry Potter fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now