Chapter 10: New Rooms

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A/N- Hey guys! Sorry for a long time no update, long story short I was admitted into hospital cus of my chronic illness, and while waiting to see if I needed surgery or not, my girlfriend broke up with me! Also in this story, Harry is 12/13and Sapphire is 10/11 (

Sapphire stared in amazement at her new room, never had she ever, in her wildest dreams, hoped that she'd ever have a room like this, own clothes and toys like this, yet she did. Her walls were a pale blue and her desk, chair, bookshelf, and dresser were a clean white, her pillows, duvets, and blankets were the prettiest shade of pastel pink she had ever seen. Her dresser shelves had perfect, beautiful porcelain and ball-jointed dolls, the shelves of her bookshelves were filled with books and little figurines of princes, princesses, fairies, dragons and unicorns. Her bed, although the pillows, duvet, and blankets were plain, was filled with stuffed animals, namely, the stuffed bunny, the family of three stuffed dogs, the pink bear, the pink unicorn, a stuffed doll Harry got her and the fluffy stuffed Lynx. The stuffed lynx, Sapphire had named Flopster, not the most original name she had ever thought of but it was the only name she thought suited the stuffed Lynx and she was rarely seen without it. She didn't know what she did to get so lucky but, somehow she got this room, she would make sure she paid her parents and uncles back, she wouldn't give them a reason to hurt her, not that her uncle ever needed a reason.

Sapphire flung herself onto her soft bed, relishing in the way her body sunk into the fluffy mattress, the cool blankets crinkling underneath her and hugged Flopster against her chest, closing her eyes and grinning brightly. She still was wary around the adults, all too used to how manipulative and sneaky adults could be, especially when it came to hurting her and Harry, but she figured it was only fair to give them a chance, even if said chance was her just waiting for the adults to hurt them. Sapphire valued loyalty and fairness over everything, she always tried to give everyone a chance, even if she often ended up failing and expecting the worst, and she knew, no matter what, she would always, always be by her brother's side, even if he turned 'evil'. She felt bad at mistrusting the Potters, Padfoot and Mooney, they'd been nothing but lovely to her and her brothers, they bought them clothes, and food and gave them rooms with toys and stuff in them, yet her self-preservation instincts always won.


Harry was conflicted. He and his baby sister had these amazing rooms and amazing clothes, they could joke around and be themselves around the Potters, Padfoot, and Mooney, and while Harry had almost two years to learn to trust His godfather and his boyfriend, he still didn't one hundred percent trust his parents. Harry still put his hand against the door before opening to make sure there was no noise, he still wore bent over and lowered his body to keep his balance and steps as quiet as possible, he still made sure to breathe slowly and evenly to make it as silent as possible. He had memorised everyone footsteps, just in case, he made sure to sneak food into his room, just in case, he always placed himself in front of his little sister, just in case.

'I really should've been a Slytherin'

Harry thought to himself, he was cunning and sly, he had an abnormally high sense of self-preservation and he was told he was incredibly ambitious. He was happy in Gryffindor, he had amazing friends, his Head Of House was incredible, and he was part of the best quidditch team in school, he loved joking around with the twins, he loved him and Ron goofing off while Hermione lectured them, he loved the late nights making the home-sick or worried firsties laugh by doing stupid jokes and acting out stupid scenes, he loved going on stupid, reckless adventures that usually landed him detention, he loved the high-moral and how they all had each other's backs (usually anyway... tempers were short in Gryffindor.) So in no way would he ever regret his choice of house. He just wonders sometimes.

Harry curled up on the blood-red velvet bean-bag and grinned as he took in his room. His walls were a light pastel yellow, Sapphire had helped him choose it, hence the pastel, and they were decorated with Harpies and Chudly Cannon and other Quidditch related posters. His desk, bookshelf, and bedside table were made polished walnut wood, his curtains and bed-set were also a blood-red and his bed also had some pastel yellow pillows he had gotten sapphire to pick out. His desk had his homework scattered over it, and his bookshelf was filled with Quidditch books and the figurines and the models of Quidditch stuff he had gotten. Around his ceiling were fairy lights and his bed and beanbag had fluffy blankets thrown over them, Harry never thought he could feel more at home than he did at the Gryffindor common room, yet in this room, his room, the only thing that could make Harry feel more at home, was if his baby sister was there with him. Harry thought about getting up to get her, however, his body refused to move and his eyes fluttered shut as he fell asleep.


When the adults went to check on the kids sometime later, they found Harry curled up underneath a blanket on his beanbag with Hedwig watching over him from the top of the bookshelf and Sapphire curled up on her bed with Flopster hugged tightly to her chest. James gently picked the small girl up, placed her under the duvet, and placed a kiss to her head. Lily also levitated Harry into his bed, brushed his unruly hair back turned off the lights, turned on the fairy lights, and shut the door. James and Lily met in the living room, and curled up on the couch and, for the first time in years, had a good old fashioned snog.

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