Chapter three: Angst

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After the four adults stunned the Dursleys, they turned to the two crying kids in the corner, the four adults all had visible tears in their eyes, except Sirius who had turned to Padfoot and attacked the Dursleys, Padfoot had bitten Dudley's leg so badly a chunk was missing, and Vernon had multiple bite wounds and Petunia was left with a single bite to her waist. Padfoot then ran up to the hurt kids and barked at the others to snap them to attention. Lily let out a soft whimper as she saw the state her babies were in, James softly pulled Harry away from Sapphire earning a few hits as Harry struggled against him, just wanting to be near his sister. Padfoot put himself under Harry's chin, only then did Harry stop fighting and collapsed against Padfood, clinging to his fur crying.

"We need to get her medical help now!" Remus said urgently, staring at the unmoving little girl, "Lily, her head is bleeding pretty badly, I need you to apply pressure, I'm going to reset her shoulder. James, hold her still, this'll hurt, but it'll hurt less once in place."

James held the Little girl down, guilt racking his body as his baby - who was only semi-conscious- attempted to fight him, only to collapse into sobs again.  Remus pulled her arm forward, ignoring the yell of pain - that earnt Harry to attempt to fight to get to his sister, only for Sirius (now de-transformed) to hold him tightly against his chest, muttering soothing words to the teen - Remus then guided the ball of her Arm bone back in the shoulder socket.

"I need a sling or something to turn into a sling," Remus told the group,

Sirius released Harry who immediately ran - more of a fast crawl/stumble really- to his sister, and went to cradle her when Remus suddenly stopped him.

"I need to check her ribs first! Don't move her or it could puncture a lung," Harry flinched back at Remus' tone, "I'm sorry pup," Harry smiled weakly back in forgiveness and cradled her head in his lap,

It was only then that Harry realized his parents were there, so were Sirius and Remus, the couple that visited him on the weekends sometimes at Hogwarts, the ones that explained everything with his parents. Usually, he would be over the moon to see them, however, at this moment he was too concerned about his baby sister to care. Harry kissed Sapphire's forehead, even though it just happened, his memory of the event was fuzzy, he could barely remember what he was thinking, it was like he was watching on, but wasn't there. Now he had a moment to think, he was processing Padfoot and Moony being there as well as his parents.

"Ok puppy, tell me if it hurts more when I press ok?" Remus told the girl softly.

Sirius had taken his shirt off and Remus had turned it into a sling for her arm. Remus was now feeling Sapphire's ribs gently to see if they were broken. Sapphire whined multiple times - attempting to let Remus know it hurts- and almost leaped out of her skin when he pressed a certain area. While Remus was feeling the girl's ribs,

"I'm going to perform a spell that heals broken bones okay? Then I'm going to repeat what I just did, okay?" Sapphire weakly nodded, "Brackium Emendo"

The little girl got lightheaded and became semi-conscious as Remus performed the spell.

"Saph, you gotta stay awake yeah? It's a game, whoever stays awake the longest wins" Harry said, voice thick, trying to keep the quiver out of his voice. Sapphire loved her games, sometimes they would play go-fish when they were locked in a cupboard together. "What's happening?" He asked desperately.

"The sudden surge of magic could've shocked her magic - it's complicated but when a person's magic is the only thing keeping them alive, it becomes hyper-aware of new magic. It should pass in a couple of minutes once her magic recognizes magic is friendly. Keep her aware, ask questions, anything, okay pup?" Remus instructed Harry, who nodded.

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