The next fifteen minutes (Iggy)

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It has been four years since your family moved to the US and you are missing the days where you would play hockey for hours. The problem with being in a new country for you is you struggle to make good friends however your college hockey team has come close. You are getting ready for the last game before the NHL drafting begins. You quickly get your skates on. You are a little tense because you know that there is a slim chance that you may get drafted.

"Hey Iggy It will be fine," Your goaltender says. He is busy throwing a tennis ball in his gloved hand.

"I know Marc," You reply as you wrestle your skates on. You are soon done. You head to the bench. You can feel the tension between everyone. The coach soon gives everyone their respective warm ups. You are doing some defence work with one of your left wings. You are trying to wrestle the puck off of him. It is an endeavour but you manage to get it away from him.

"Diego, maybe you can try and get the puck between my legs if you are going for the weaving technique," You give him a tip. He nods as you pass the puck back to him.

"I'll try better then," Diego responds. He tries to get around you by weaving around you again. This time he takes your advice and he manages to get the puck through your legs. You quickly start to chase him. At least your team knows how to make the game fun. You quickly snatch the puck from Diego because he is distracted. It's easy to see why but you know you need to continue the warm up. You give him a quick tap on his skates with your stick. It does the trick.

"Sorry Igg but we are being watched by some of the Pittsburgh Penguins," You both get back to the drill you were doing. Twenty minutes later the game is almost ready to start. You are waiting impatiently for the face off. You glance at the Pittsburgh players. Amongst them is Sidney Crosby. You get the feeling that he is watching you but you decide to ignore it because the umpire has just placed the puck between the two centres. Your centre has gotten the puck but none of the others are open.

"James I'm here," You call out with the knowledge that you may be the only one who can get the puck closer to the net. James passes to you

"Thank you," James remarks. He is glad that he no longer has the burden that is the puck. You start the process of getting down towards the goal. Diego has broken free. You flick to him through one of the other team's player's legs. You head towards your goal since you know that the others have it under control. You glance back at the Pittsburgh Penguins players. Sidney has definitely been watching you. The sound of the goal horn rips you out of your thoughts. You add your cheers to the crowd. This time the other team has gotten the puck from the umpire. You get to work on getting the puck for your team. You tussle for the puck to the point of getting elbowed by the left wing. Despite the slightest bit of throbbing you are able to get the puck.

"Jenna," You call out as you pass to the other defenceman. After thirty seconds of back and forth work between you and Jenna you are able to pass it to James. He starts weaving in and out of the other players. It is an impressive sight to see.

"Everyone be ready in case I miss," James yells at the top of his lungs. It means he is going for a slap shot. You make sure you are ready. There is a loud clap as the puck sails through the air. Everyone is watching the umpires who are trying to work out if that is a goal or not. They soon came to a decision that it was. Ten minutes later the first period has finished and you are relaxing. The coach has given you this period for a break. It's a good thing because the throbbing in your side is slowly getting more uncomfortable.

"Iggy are you alright?" The team's alternate goaltender asks.

"Yeah I'll be fine Daniel," You respond. A bruise isn't going to stop you from enjoying the game.

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