The Concert / Battle for Love

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"Ok Everyone the concert is in a few Hours. So the band will come in after they say the bands name. And Yellow you will be on light duty." Said Green

"Ok." Said Everyone

Everyone went to going to get ready.

"Hey Ashy."

"Yes Greeny."

"Do good out there." She says with a cute smile.


Serena POV

So right know I am getting ready to see Ash. I hope he isn't mad.

Ok So the concert is in 1 hours so I got on my limo and went to the building were the Kalos League was helt. When I got out reports were telling my question like storm.

I got escorted to a reserved area.

"Hi Serena."

"Hi Bonnie how are you doing." They hugged.

"Good." Just then Clement was huffing and collapse to his seat.

"THATS IT." Said Said Bonnie. Just the Bonnie went to the stage and went to the microphone.

"ATTENTION ALL GIRLS YOU ALL KEEPERS PLEASE TAKE CARE OF BROTHER." Just the a Apoim Arm grabbed Bonnie by the shirt and brought her back.


"Make it Million and one times." Said Bonnie

Just then everything went dark and the speakers started to talk.

"Attention everyone I would like to present Ash and the Kanto Boys."

Ash: I bet you Garry pick the name

Aura: Yep


"Are you sure Green we wrote this song when we were kids."

"Yes Ashy c'mon."

"Fine." Then she gave me a hug.

"Listen Guys we are performing a new song and it's called the Journey Starts today."

Once on the stage

"Hi everyone My name is Ash Ketchum." Everyone was clapping.

"This first song I will be performing with the Lovely. Green." Then Green came on stage. Then she looked me in the eye and I nodded.

"This is Journey Starts today."

After that was done my and Green bowed and Everyone clapped.

"Everyone want a other one."


"K this is Gotta catch them all.

"K. Know these songs we are about to perform is for someone I love from my bottom of my heart."

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