intro. :P

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Hey guys. So as you already know, my name is Blair, I'm goth, and all of that other blah blah blah. I'm obsessed with Falling in Reverse. The band obviously. I have no fronds but my old best freind would always tell me that I have a thing with sass.

Maybe I do? Idek. I guess you would call me... different, from everyone else. My old best friends name was Cici, and she really only pretended to be my friend. She turned out to be an ash hole that will do whatever she can to ruin my life.

The reason she hates me is because she's jealous. Jealous that I got the chance to do what probably no other fan has gotten to do in the whole existence of Falling in Reverse. I, Blair, the goth girl with no friends, got asked to go on your with the band Falling in Reverse, by the Ronnie Radke himself.

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