"The experiences you've had to endure in life are horrific. But the deaths you've seen are not because you're responsible for them."

"my mum... albus... who next?"

"Albus Potter is alive."

"He didn't exist once... and it was my fault."

"He was alive when you saw him a week ago."


"Loving you is not a death wish. You've suffered loss, but pinning the blame on yourself will not take it away. Would your mother want-"

"She's gone. I don't know what she wants. Nobody does."

"Do you truly believe that?"


"That she's gone completely."

"She's not here."

"Do you believe in an afterlife?"

"I... I don't know."

"Your mother would be proud of the person you are today, Scorpius."

"She- you think...?"

"I've only known you for a couple months, but I can tell you've got a strong heart. A good one. Most people can go their whole life without even grasping at the morals you hold yourself to. It's my honor to be on this journey with you, Scorpius. You're a strong, capable, young boy who has so much life to live."

"T-thank you... I... I didn't know I needed th-that."

~DAY 18~

"Two weeks ago, you told me you never saw your mother as a Malfoy."

"I did?"

"Yes. Do you remember what you meant by that?"

"Hold on..."

"Take as much t-"


"Go ahead."

"You see, when people hear my last name, they make instant assumptions. My grandfather was a death eater. My father too. I come from a very long line of pure-blooded Slytherins with a reputation of hate and lies... but... my mother was never that.

"My mother was brave and she was kind. She would smile and people could feel like the world was okay again. Her laugh was infectious. My mum... loved people without knowing who they were.

"She was everything I wanted to be. Everything I want to be. I look exactly like my father... and so people assume I am him. They look at me and think they know everything about my story they need to. That means I'm left behind.

"Cause of this, I used to wish I had brown hair and brown eyes. I wished I could be someone else in their eyes. As if, just maybe, looking like my mother would... somehow make me closer to her. Even though my father says I act like her in every mannerism."

"She was the opposite of the Malfoy legacy in a way?"

"Yes. And now I have to be both of the opposites..."

"You're not only a legacy."

"I'm the only heir to my bloodline. What else can I be?"

~DAY 22 ~

"Have the flashes gotten any better?"

"They're more confused now."

"What do you mean?"

"There are so many voices crammed into one space... I can't actually hear most of them over the whispering."

"Whispers? So you'd no longer describe them as screaming?"


"Do remember which whispers you can hear?"

"I can hear... Delphi's laugh... Al's scream... my mother's singing... then the various echos of my peer's taunting."

"With images?"

"No. I'm just... falling now. Falling down to somewhere I don't know."

"Do you want to try the medication again?"


~DAY 27~

"Happy Birthday."

"Not much of a birthday, to be honest."

"Did you receive anything?"

"Rose sent me a sugar quill as a joke..."



"Ah, I see."

"Our first and only date..."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine actually. Probably didn't even count as a date. Turns out I liked someone else so that was the end of anything."

"I see. And this someone else was...?"


"Ah, right. I didn't want to make assumptions."

"That's alright. I don't like assuming either. But it is kind of obvious, huh?"

"I wouldn't say that."

"I would. Everyone knew."

"Your father included?"

"Yes. He's great with the idea actually... but who could have thought a Malfoy and a Potter would end up friends? Much less... anything more than that."

"Another way you've defied the odds

"Sometimes I wonder how many odds there are."

~ DAY 30 ~

"Am I getting any better?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is this... is this therapy stuff helping me?"

"I think you're the final judge of that, Scorpius. How do you feel?"

"I don't know."

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