Chapter 44: Paris [part 1]

Start from the beginning

"Me four!" Spencer adds.

"What time is it?" I ask Spencer.

"6:15." She tells me.

"Let's go somewhere then!" I cheer, bringing Ali's hand to my lips and kissing it lightly.


Here we are. Sitting in a French restaurant. This should be fun.

Ali and me are the only ones that know French, which means we will be translating, and telling everyone what they will be eating. Yay...

"Je suis Jaco . Je serai votre serveur ce soir. Que voulez-vous boire?"

"Bonjour, Jaco . Eau tout autour , se il vous plaît." Alison replies, making everyone's jaws drop.

"What?" Aria whispers in my ear.

"He said his name is Jaco, and he will be out server, and asked what we wanted to drink. Ali replied, hello, Jaco. Water all around please." I tell everyone who are also now looking far me.

"Bien. Je serai de retour avec vos boissons . Voici vos menus." Jaco replies, which means 'Okay. I'll be back in a minute with your drinks. Here are the menus.' Or something like that.

"Merci." I tell him.

"I'd be straight for him, too." Emily says, once he's left, making Alison glare at her, and everyone else laugh.

"What?" She asks.

"You're married....To me."

"I know." Emily replies.

"He has short, brown hair, ocean blue green eyes, French, tall, he's obviously in good shape, and works out." She defends herself.

Jaco comes back with our drinks and hands them to us, asking if we are ready to order. Of course no one is.

"Je suis désolé. Cinq minutes de plus?" I ask him for 5 more minutes.

He goes, and I scold all of my friends, and they apologize, and look at the menu.

"What the fuck does this say?" Emily asks after a few seconds, sighing and putting the menus down.

"I was waiting for one of you to ask that." I say, chuckling.

Jaco comes back after a few minutes with a little fancy bowl of croissants.

Caleb immediately reaches over and grabs one, and Hanna slaps his hand, causing him to drop it.

I glare at the both if them, and turn the Jaco, smiling, and tell him what each if us want to eat.

He writes it down, and nods. I watch him until I can't see him anymore, and I turn to Hanna and Caleb, and get mad at both of them.

"You two are like little kids!" I say between gritted teeth.

"Sorry." The mumble in unison.

"Just....Act your age." I say, and sigh, taking a sip of my water.

We all sit there talking, and eating croissants until Jaco brings our food.

"Merci." I tell him.

"De rien. Profitez."


After dinner, each couple goes different ways.

"Go to the hotel when you're done shopping and looking around." Specter tells everyone.

"Okay." I answer.

"Wait! Me and Caleb don't have a translator!" Hanna shouts.

"Oh well!" Spencer tells her, and walks off.

"Ugh!" Hanna groans. "I'll be calling one of you if we need help!" She shouts at Ali and Spencer, and grabs Caleb's hand, walking off.

"So, what should we do?" I ask Ali.

"Shop for 2 hours. Eat a croissant. Go to the Eiffel Tower. You know." She says, and winks at me.

I smile thinking about that day on the empty classroom.

"I love you." I say, and kiss her.

"I love you, too." She says back, and kisses me harder.


"Alright! What should we do?" I ask Spencer.

"Hmm...Go to the Eiffel Tower?" She suggests, and raises her shoulders like a little kid saying they don't know who ate the cookies.

"You're so cute." I say, kissing her.

"Yeah...But you're cuter." She replies.

As we're walking we see a bakery, and we go in, buying croissants, crepes, macarons, and chocolates.

We walk our with our bags of food, and walk down the street to the Eiffel Tower.

As we get closer to the tower, I see a blonde and a brunette holding hands.

"That looks like Em and Ali." I point out, smiling.

Spencer looks, and sighs.

"Seriously?" She groans.

"What?" I ask.

"That is Em and Ali." She replies.

I look over at her and smirk.

"What?" She questions.

I hand her my foods, and go up up behind Ali, making sure Emily doesn't see me.

I breathe on Alison's neck, and right before she turns around, I taze her sides, causing her to scream and collapse onto the ground.

I fall on the ground from laughing, and Spencer comes over also laughing. Along with Emily, who is doubled over laughing.

"Hahah! That was classic!" I hear someone yell.


"Hey, what's up?" Caleb asks.

"Did we seriously all happen to come over to the Eiffel Tower?" Hanna questions.

"Obviously. It's the Eiffel Tower, Han." Emily answers.


"What's that?" Caleb asks, pointing to the bags in Spencer's hands.

"Aria and me stopped by a bakery on the way over." She tells him, and shoves a macaron in her mouth.

"Where at?" Hanna asks.

"Over there somewhere." I say, pointing behind me.

Ali, Emily, Hanna, and Caleb all run in the direction I was pointing towards and go in the bakery.

They come back 10 minutes later, each with a bag of pastries between their teeth, and 2 in each hand.

"What, did you but the whole store?!" I joke.

"Probably." Hanna answers, and we all laugh.

"Let's go in the Eiffel Tower." Em tells Ali.

"Me too!" Hanna cheers, jumping up and raising her hand.

I have writers block!
Tell me what you want to happen!

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