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Showing Our Feelings

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Showing Our Feelings...Finally
POV: (You return from a hunt with a revelation waiting for you at the bunker)

You unlock the door and close it behind you cheerfully.
"Honey's I'm home!" You call out eager to see their faces.
It's been a whole ass week since you've been in the bunker and you've missed your boys and mostly your queen sized bed. You make your way down the stairs but Sam steps out from the hall with a grin showing off his two dimples.  "Hey cutie" You smirked.
"Hey" He comes over, before you can finish the stairs and embraces you tightly, you return it as he lifts you up and places you back on the floor boards. "God, where did you go?"
Before you could answer Castiel came in, his coat swaying as he walked.
"Good to see you are alive" He mused, giving you a hug.
"Yeah barely, thanks Cassy" You giggled embracing him gently. "Still banged up a bit, those missing people's reports I told you about" You say as you pull away from Cas and look at them both. "Yeah well, turns out, i was right -it was hunting ground for a werewolf, yeah he and at least four with him"
Sam and Castiel widen their eyes.
"Your kidding" Sam raised his eyebrows.
"I wish, would've stop me from getting clawed to hell but, had to kill them- it was the same deranged family the dad got bit, then the mom and then their three teenage children- it was like the werewolf version of the Godfather" You shook your head with a shakey breath. "It wasn't a fun one"
"Yes apparently, hasn't been fun for us here either" Castiel said but Sam quickly gave him a warning look. But you paid it no mind as in the far distance at the end of the hall you saw Dean.

You two had a brilliant friendship, you watched shows together, ate together and bantered every spare minute of the day. But he stood far from you, his low and mouth pursed like it was reigning in an argument.
"Hey, the tall handsome figure gonna come and say hello or just stand in the hallway?" You laugh, but his face remains the same. "Please don't tell me he's possessed or something?" You joke.
"No" Castiel sighed out. "No something much worse"
Dean turned around and walked back into his room.
"Oh great, what's up grumpy gills?" You gazed up at Sam.
"You didn't tell him- you know what, go talk to him, I'll fix you up something to eat" Sam places a hand on you shoulder, even though that's directly where you worst cut is, you didn't wince- You smiled and thanked him.
"I'll take your belongings back to your room" Castiel slid you bag out of your hand. "Try and get some sleep too"
He makes you smile.
"Will do- see you in a bit" You squeezed his arm before walking down the hall and straight to Dean's room. You raise your hand to knock but he beats you to the punch by opening the door. You feel like an idiot standing their with your hand raised. "Hi, my company sent me to fix your cable?" You joke but his frown doesn't budge. "Okay, okay who pissed in your cornflakes?" He sends you nothing but a glare and you roll your eyes closing the door behind you.
Dean seated himself in his chair in the corner, at his table. Fixing his favourite pistol, buffing up the Crome.
"Okay no jokes then" You sigh tucking your hair behind your ear as you stay standing. "How was your week?" You attempt.
Dean placed down his gun annoyedly and raised his eye brow at you.
"How was my week?" He repeated. "How was my-" He bit down on his lip. "You bother me so much"
"I only asked a simple question Dean, your not giving me much room for conversation staters here" You fold your arms. He nodded curtly and stood from his chair roughly.
"Okay here's one then, why the hell would you go on a hunt for a week, without no word of where your going or why you left in the middle of the night when I was-when we were sleeping. I woke up and you were just gone now tell me, how my week was supposed to be anything other than one nightmarish second after another, stupid" He walked toward you as he spoke.
"Wow you really had that ready for me didn't ya?" You let out a nervous laugh. He clenched his jaw. " I'm sorry I didn't think it-"
"That right you didn't think, you just walked and how was I supposed to have a good week, knowing that your God knows where, doing God knows what and I can't help, I can't do nothing but sit on my ass like some moron" His body was tense and veins ran from his arms straight to his knuckles with the stress. However his eyes told a different story, they were soft, worried and scared.
"Okay" You raised up your hands. "I understand and I am so, deeply sorry for causing you all that trouble and worry when I could've picked up a phone"
Dean crossed his arms, nodding.
"I'm still angry by the way" He breathed through his nose. "Are you hurt?"
You can't help but smile at him.
"Yeah a little bit" You shrug. He bites his lip annoyedly. "It inevitable in our line of work Dean it's not like I threw myself in front of a bus on purpose"
"Shut up" He rolled his eyes and you couldn't help but find it attractive- thinking about it, most things that Dean did was attractive. "Sit down on the bed, I'll get a first aid" He walked into his walk in closet, turning on the light. You watched him as he did, taking full advantage of the situation, his arm reaching up and grabbed the first aid kit. He turned and caught you staring, so you move your eyes quickly away. He scoffed out a laugh, before switching off the light and closing the door behind him.
"So werewolves huh?" He asked.
"Yep, whole pack" You say almost bragging. But it just made Dean aggravated.
"You took on a whole pack-" He paused, "You know what just don't do it again"
"Sure thing" You take the hair tie off your wrist and fix your hair up. "The cuts should be fine, just like the one over here wrapped" You say peeling off your jacket.
"Okay" He nods, watching as you slid one arm of your tshirt off, lifting your arm through the neck so the rest of you was covered. Dean said nothing, he just began cleaning the claw mark across your shoulder, right down to the blade.
"Thank you" You said. He gives you a gruff 'mhmm' as he continues working away. "Hey Dean"
"I worry about you too, I do all of you of course but, I get scared for you and I panic and I put some front up sometimes but I do and I'm sorry for being selfish I just didn't think you worried the same" You say but he presses a little harder on your wound making you wince. "Ow, what was that for?"
"For being dumb" He quipped. "Don't worry the same- God you woman say us men are difficult to understand"
"What?" You turn your head around to look at him.
"Do you worry about me?" He asked.
"Well yeah I just said-"
"You get scared for me?"
"Yes.." You wrinkle your forehead.
"Because you care about me"
"Yes, wait" You stare at him, slightly open mouthed. He raised his eyebrows triumphantly. "Care as in-"
"God this is worst than when Sam tried to explain Mamma Mia to Cas, look Care as in I like you a little more than I like my friends and in a different way" He cleared his throat.
"You do?" You smile big.
"Yeah dumbass that's what I've been trying to explain to you for the past ten minutes"
"Well it's not my fault you have the emotional expression of a spoon, dipshit" You quipped back.
That's when he smiled, finally.
"I just realised something" He said, thinking back. "You called me tall and handsome"
Words were really joining your brain anytime soon so Dean just looked over your features.
"Well it's a good thing too, I mean sure your not tall but cute would be a word I'd use" He tilted his head.
"And you know what  I'd use, kiss my ass" You sigh out a breath and you made him laugh somehow hearing him made you laugh.
"Well sweetheart you always had a way with words" Your laughs grew and he lowered his forehead against yours. "Next time, take me with you" You placed your hand on his face, your thumb trailing across his cheekbone.
"To ends of the Earth"

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