Chapter 12: Not A Lost Girl

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I opened my eyes to see that I was tied to a tree. There were also three girls and two men, all asleep except for one of the girls. She had blond hair and looked about thirty or so years old. 

I tried to free myself from the rope, but it didn't work. I think I made a little to much noise because the blond girl looked over at me. "Guy's, she's awake" she spoke. Suddenly everyone was awake and standing up. "Who are you guys! Let me go!" I demanded. "NO! How about you tell us who you are?!" A black haired woman shouted at me. I flinched to try and make them think I was weak, "I'm Y/n" I mumbled. One woman with very short hair spoke up, "Guy's come on, she can't be more than fifteen. She's probably just scared" There was a moment of silence, "I'm Mary Margret, and this is Emma, Regina, Charming, and Hook" Mary Margret spoke in a gentle voice.

"So do you work with pan?" Emma asked. "No. As a matter of fact I hate him" I replied. "So your not a lost girl?" Charming added. "Peter thinks I am, but I'm not" I answered. "Then why are you here?!" shouted Regina. "BECAUSE PETER BROUGHT ME HERE" I screamed. "How about you calm down, okay?" Emma said. I nodded. "Sorry it's just, Peter took me and my friends Newt, Thomas, and Minho from our home. And I want to keep them safe, but I can't because Peter will always find a way to hurt them" I told them. They all looked at each other, and then Hook untied me.

"Do you know where Pan's camp is?" Emma asked. "Yeah, but why are you guy's here?" I asked. "We need to find my son Henry" Emma spoke, "Our son" Regina corrected. "Henry is your son?" I asked. "Yes, why do you know him?" Regina ran up to me. "Yeah we're friends. Come on follow me" I told them. 

We weren't far from Pan's camp when I stopped the group. "Why did we stop?" Charming asked a little annoyed. "You have to promise me something" They all looked at me with concerned faces. "You have to bring me and my friends home with you" I requested. "Of course" Emma immediately replied. I relaxed. 'Finally, me and my friends will get off this stupid island' I thought to myself.

I began waking again and in a few minutes we reached Peter's camp. I saw Newt and immediately ran into his arms, he was balling his eyes out. "I thought I lost you" He whispered. "It's alright. I'm here now. And they are going to get us off of this stupid island" I pointed to the group behind me. "Where is Minho and Thomas?" I asked him. "With Henry I think" he answered. "Can you go find them and bring them back here for me?" He nodded and ran off to find. I jogged back to where the group was and told them what the plan was. Newt would find the others and I would distract Peter so the others could get a head start back to the ship.

I went off to find Peter, I thought the best place to check would be his tent. So I walked into his tent to find him talking to Felix. Once he saw me he stopped what he was doing and yelled at me, "Where were you?! Did you think you could get off the island?! I just rolled my eyes. "Felix, go gather the boys" Peter told Felix. My face had fear written all over it, this was going to ruin the whole plan.

Felix left and Peter turned his attention back to me and pinned me against the wall, "Oh, did my little lost girl think I wouldn't figure out her plan" "I'm not your lost girl" I spit at him. "Yes you are" He spoke back.

He let go of my waist and stepped back, "Did you think you could get off this island without me knowing?" I tried to run out of the tent when all of a sudden i froze. "STOP!" I yelled at him. "Only if you promise to be a good girl" He said. 'Yeah right. like I would ever listen to him' I thought to myself. "Fine" I lied. And in a flick of Peter's wrist I could move again.

I looked back at Peter and walked out of the tent. This time Peter didn't stop me. I looked around to see if I could see my friends, but I couldn't find them. 'Maybe the plan did work' I thought. I was slowly trying to make my way away from camp so I could get to the ship in time. I was about to enter the woods when Felix shouted, "Hey, where do you think your going?" I spun on my heel and bolted into the woods. "After her!" yelled Felix, and all of the boys started chasing me.

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