Chapter 1: A New Start

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I woke up in some cold metal box, all alone. It started moving at rapid speed. I'm claustrophobic so I wasn't having a lot of fun at the moment. I tried to calm myself down but then I realized, I didn't even know how I got here. That's when I started hyperventilating. All of a sudden it came to a stop, I shot up and hit my head on the top of the cage. My head started throbbing, and I felt like I was going to pass out. That was until the top started to open. 

It was almost to bright to see anything. But what I did see was a bunch of boys staring down at me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot I was there until someone said "It's a bloody girl" in a strong and very attractive british accent. He jumped down and spoke in a calm and soft voice "names Newt, greeny" he held out his hand, which I gladly took. 

When he pulled me out of the cage like thing I looked around to see I was the only girl. I began to start walking around looking for any girls, but I soon realized I was only wasting my time. I finally noticed all of the boys staring at me with there mouths open wide. I looked at myself realizing that I was only in a tank top and shorts. I was feeling uncomfortable so I turned and bolted off into the woods.

I found a tree so I started to climb. I was about 15 feet high when I heard the same boy that welcomed me not so long ago call to me, "Hey! it's okay we don't want to hurt you" in that cute accent of his. After a few minutes went by I decided to go a little higher. I was reaching for another branch when I felt someone grab hold of my wrist. I looked at the boy who grabbed my wrist and saw that he had brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and adorable moles. He seemed my age, but was a lot taller than me. "who are you?!" I somewhat screamed at him. "whoa whoa, calm down, my name is Thomas" he spoke to me. "How about we get down from here, okay?" I nodded in agreement.

We were making our way down the tree when I slipped and fell. I was about to hit the ground when someone caught me, "holy shuck! your as light as a feather" he proclaimed. I looked at him confused, 'shuck? never heard that word before' I slowy moved out of his grasp. "so, you got a name?" he asked in a sassy tone. "Y/n" I revealed. "Welcome to the glade Y/n, my name is Minho" he said. 

Me, Thomas, and Minho walked back to the place Minho called the glade. When we got there I saw Newt and three other boys. We walked up to them and the one with the funny eyebrows said "Hey, you got a name? or can I call you mine?" I rolled my eyes at his lame atempt at a pickup line. "Gally! shut your bloody mouth will ya?!" said Newt in a..... jealous tone? I was brought out of my thoughts when one of the other boys announced "I'm Alby, and I run this place. And this here is Chuck," he motioned to the short boy behind him. I looked around and then Alby asked "you got a name?" "Y/n" I answered.

Things were quiet until Newt spoke "Well if you have any questions, you can ask any of us" I suddenly felt relieved, these boys were so nice. "How bout Newt, Thomas, and Minho give you a tour?" I nodded

*Time Skip*

They showed me a bunch of different places, they also showed me where I was gonna sleep and eat. I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little uncomfortable knowing a bunch of boys would be staring at me while I sleep.

"So Y/n we're having a bonfire tonight to celebrate your arrival" Newt spoke. 'GOD! I love that accent' I thought to myself. We walked to the place where we eat, I met Frypan earlier and we became really good friends. Me, Newt, Minho, and Thomas sat down. "Hey Y/n" Fry called.  All of a sudden Gally walked over and sat down next to me, "Hey gorgeous" I was starting to get annoyed with but I just ignored him. I looked over at the boys and saw they were all rolling there eyes. 

After we ate for another ten minutes we walked to the treehouse that they showed me earlier, Me, Newt, Minho, and Thomas walked up the ladder. Once we all sat down we started talking, "So is Gally always that annoying?" they all nodded. There was a moment of silence then Thomas spoke, "So Y/n how do you like the glade?" "I really like it here" I responded happily. "What do you think about the jobs?" asked Newt "I don't really know yet" I sighed. "are you ready for the bonfire later?" questioned Minho "Oh my god, I totally forgot about it" I laughed the other chuckled along.

After talking for another hour or so we all climbed down because the bonfire was gonna start soon. we parted ways to get ready for the bonfire. They found some clothes for me to wear so I looked through what they found. There were a couple of big shirts, some shorts, and a brown jacket. I put on a green shirt some shorts and my jacket and walked to where the others told me the bonfire would be. I found Chuck and walked over to him, "Hey chuckie" I said giggling at the nickname I gave him, he giggled along. 

Soon Thomas made his way over to us, we started talking for a little bit. After a while of talking the bonfire started and things escalated really quickly. I made my way over to where Gally was fighting and he glanced at me quickly. After he finished the fight he yelled "Who's next?!" I stepped up. Gally looked at me and laughed "Your a girl you can't fight, and especially not against me" I took that as a challenge "Oh really? or are you just saying that because your to scared you'll get beat by a girl?" I stepped into the circle and got into a fighting stance, I was a little nervous because Gally had beaten everyone he went up against. But once he challenged me, there was no way I could step down. I just had to hope that I wouldn't get beaten to death.

~My hands are screaming in pain right now, but I wanted to post the first part as soon as possible. So how was it?~

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