Is There Still Life At All?

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"Are you sure you wouldn't rather go see a movie or something?" Dennis offered, jamming his hands into his pockets, nervously rocking on his feet.

As John rang the doorbell, he asked, "What would we see? Jack Frost?"

"I was thinking Star Trek: Insurrection."

A chuckle slipped out of John's mouth. "Nerd."

"I'm your nerd."

Hearing that made him grin, but at the same time, he wondered if it was right. He was so excited about the whole idea of being with him that the prospect of it actually becoming a full-blown relationship never occurred to him. Add to that the possibility of a child, and then he suddenly had a family at the age of twenty-eight. In an instant, every past relationship he ever had flashed before him. All those failed attempts at dating made him just that: a failure. What if this was no different? What if he screwed up whatever friendship they had?

"Look, about that–" John began, then was cut short.

"We don't have to come clean with your family yet, do we?" Dennis asked. "I mean, technically, you and I aren't really a couple yet, so why bother?"

That caught him off guard. His eyes were fixed on the door, giving it a hundred-yard stare, knowing how he would likely have a breakdown if he were to look at Dennis. Uncertainty was no longer an issue. Now he knew. Now he felt disappointed and sick to his stomach from the very evident embarrassment Dennis had just from standing next to him.

Next, he brought forth a question that would most likely be a fatal mistake: "Are you ashamed of us?"

"What? How could you–? No, of course not. I just thought–"

John barked furiously, "Well, maybe don't think."

The door opened. Greeting them was a slightly older woman, not related to John, but someone he saw often. She let them inside and took their coats.

Dennis knew his family was loaded, but he didn't expect a mansion with round-the-clock servants and maids. It made the whole situation even more daunting. He kept his composure, for the sake of his friend. The last thing he needed was to stress out or humiliate John.

Amidst all the other people talking and laughing and the music, Dennis spoke up above it all, so John could hear him. "This is a bit much."

"You were expecting something a little less pretentious and snobbish?"


A chuckle issued from John. "Just you wait. I'm sure my mother is around here somewhere."

"Actually, she's skipping this one," a voice came from behind them.

John whirled around and saw his father standing right there. His smile vanished instantly. "Dad. What do you mean?"

"Some conference in New York or... something," Jack looked over John's friend, almost judging the man with his eyes. "I didn't think you'd bring anyone."

"Oh, yeah. Dennis, this is my father, John Carter Jr."

"Jack," he said with a grin and stuck out his hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you, Dennis."

"Yeah, you too," Dennis glanced around the room, restless and fidgety for some strange reason. Too many people, perhaps. "Are these gatherings always like this?"

"You should see the company picnic," he jested, then turned to John. "Have you seen your grandmother yet?"

John shook his head. "We actually just got here."

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