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My name is Sean Collins, at least that’s the person who used to look back at me from the mirror, but now I’m not sure what’s real or if I’ll ever be seen again. How I became imprisoned in this endless void, I don’t know, but who put me here, and why, is a different story.

I remember a life before this, and as unsatisfied as I may have been at times, I know now it was a good one. Nothing is perfect, but who appreciates what they have until it’s replaced by something less?

In this place of no escape, I haven’t hunger or thirst, pain or pleasure, sleep or dreams, I just am. The nothingness surrounding me yields no clues to the passage of time, no sunrise or sunset, nor seasons to gauge with. Although I know time flows on, I know it must and I sense that it does, but its rhythm sidesteps this place so it’s of no consequence to me. I’m sure one of them will return for me when they’re ready, and then I’ll know how much has passed, maybe.

After a lifetime of personal certainty, it turned out nothing was as it seemed, and I learned the real world was only real as long as those in it didn’t see beyond the obvious. It’s a rare person who takes the time to purposely look beyond the veneer of daily life, while others are forced by circumstances beyond their control.

That’s my category, out of control.

Could I have done things differently for a better outcome? Not likely, not after they touched me with their appetite for conflict, pulling me in to their ancient battle. I was just a game piece played for effect, but I may yet have a chance to reach the board and play again. Until then, I wait with nothing but my thoughts and memories to convince me that I still exist.

But you, you’re out there every day living your life, chronically unaware of what else inhabits the world with you. Their rules won’t let me tell you what you should know, what everyone ought to know.

Maybe someday you too will find yourself unhappy, wishing you could find a way out of whatever predicament you’ve lodged yourself in. Beware the kindly stranger with ready answers. But already I’ve said too much, you’ll have to find out for yourself. I did.

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