I bit the inside of my cheek, staring at her silently.

"I wanted to know what I had to do to break the curse "

The entire dining fell silent, the two witches exchanged glances, I didn't fail to notice how aunt Bella had nodded to aunt Nur, which caught my attention. Their foreheads were wrinkled with worry as aunt Nur cleared her throat, finally breaking the silence.

"Well.... Uhm"

She sighed

"At the moment, we do not have a specific solution "

I put on a blank facade, not reacting to her words to hide my heart beginning to beat so loud.

(Oh gosh, I can't write this well anymore. I'm discouraged, I wrote the first one better and now it seemed I don't even know wat I'm doing, it upsets me! 😭)

"Well and.... So far we might have a solution.... Uhm... "

She went back to look at Bella. I was beginning to get impatient

"What is it? "

Luca questioned with a hiss, cutting me off .

"Well actually, the only solution right now is for the both of you to....., ehem"

"To complete... "

I stared at her with a raised brow

"The mating process? "

My eyes went wide when Yoongi hyung completed the statement. Snapping my head to aunt Nur for confirmation. My heart stopped when she nodded gulping.

"W-what? "

I asked shakily, clenching my fist.
What nonsense, no, wait, she couldn't be serious.

"Jungkook, that is the only solution we have for now, we are sorry but... "

"There is no way I am letting my 18 years old sister complete a mating process! "

Luca growled, slamming his hand on the table. My eyes lingered on the glass table, worried about her. I wasn't going to disagree with him, he was right. I didn't think Luna was ready to complete a mating process.

"Luca, we aren't sure but.... "

"Then find a way aunt Bella"

He snapped rudely, his wolf taking over

"Like I said, my sister is too young for that "

I mashed my teeth against each other, my hands begining to shake.

"Luca calm..... "

"I said no! "

He snapped at the alpha, not sparing him a glance.

"Tsk, the the fuck is your problem dude? "

We all looked at Yoongi hyung who was glaring at guy opposite of him.

REJECTED BOND||J.JK✅Under Short Editing Where stories live. Discover now