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Last time~

I looked back at Laura as I got up and started walking towards her. I tried to be as quite as possible. I was just about to reach their tents and call Laura over to me.

Then all of a sudden I heard a gunshot. I looked to my left and saw a soldier holding a gun towards me.


It all happened so quickly. In one moment I'm walking towards Laura, in another I'm being shot at. I fall to the ground, feeling a burning sensation in my upper arm. I quickly put my hand over the wound trying to stop the bleeding. I hear people yelling, running. Laura is screaming, but then it all fades away as I pass out. 

Laura's POV

I left my tent after waking up from a terrifying nightmare. I can't remember what it was about anymore, thank God, but I know that my heart is still beating like crazy. I needed some air and knowing that everyone would be asleep at the moment I decided to get up and take a little walk. I could literally just run away right now but they would catch me and kill me. I still have to come up with a plan. 

All of a sudden my thoughts are interrupted by a gun shot. I turn to my right and see someone falling to the ground after being shot. A girl. I look for a little longer before realizing who lays before me, I scream from fear. Amanda.

I rush to her side, or at least I try to. I feel somebody grab my arm and push me into a tent. I look up, in front of me stud the general of this troop. I looked angry. "What were you doing out there?!" he asked me in a harsh tone. "Nothing I swear I just got up after I heard the scream and I-" "You liar! I saw you out there before anyone else even got up! Now tell me the truth!" He screamed at me before I could even finish my sentence, there was no need to lie now. "Okay, I got up to get some fresh air and then I heard th-" again my sentence was interrupted but not by his yelling, this time it was from two man dragging Amanda into the tent.

 "We'll talk more later, for now fix her up so we can ask her questions. She could've been a spy" the general spoke. He left the tent, leaving me alone with Amanda. I immediately got to work, taking my first aid kit to help her.

20 minutes later...

After I was done I put the med kit away and lifted her up, putting her on my bed. That training really paid off after all. After Danny bought all those Nutcracker guys I had to start putting them away because he would always put them in the way, making me trip. Once I carried 5 at the time, dragging them from top floor to the basement, which at that point, was just full of nutcracker guys. Anyway, Amanda was sound asleep on my bed and I couldn't be happier to see her.

A/N: Hey, if you like this story let me know. And also should I change their names? It feels kinda weird writing about them in that way. 

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