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Life has always been hard for Carlisle; changed into a vampire aged 23, hes lived a life of solitude. Its only in the last century that he found companionship. His son, Edward. He tried to make himself a companion of different sorts - Esme, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen - but, like many people, her body wasn't strong enough to survive the transformation.

Through the years his family has grown; Rosalie came first, then Emmett. Then Alice and Jasper found them - he didn't create them but that doesn't matter to them. His family is complete... Mostly. Even Edward, whom he'd grown close to due to their loneliness, mated with a delightful woman called Bella. She, too, has joined their family.

So now it's just him. And it grows harder for him to be around his family. He adores them, he cherishes them, but he can't stand to feel jealous because of the lives they have. Why should he? As their father, most of their creators, he is happy for them! So much so. But he's deeply lonely. And afraid he'll never meet 'the one'.

He's creeping closer to 400 - eerily close, he doesn't like it. 400 years of age and unmarried? Unmated? What a poor life he has led. But isn't he rich in other ways? He saves lives every day. He makes people happy and he has his family and granddaughter. He should be set.

Oh how he sounds like a whiney teenager - if Edward could hear him right now he'd never live it down!

That's the other thing he's struggling with. His families happiness has become too much... So a few months ago he moved to Seattle; not far, not at all, but far enough to not be faced with it all every day. He's also working more, longer and busier shifts, so he's definitely distracted. He loves his job.

For instance, today alone he's made a dozen people smile. That's just during the first half of his shift. He doesn't want to jinx it but it's been easy this evening. Well, until now.

"I really don't need this, you can let me off!" A girl calls as she's wheeled in.

Carlisle walks over. "What do we have, John?" He snaps his gloves on as his eyes quickly assess the situation.

"23 year old female, head on collision with a drunk-"

"Let me see the son of a bitch, I'll put him in his place!" The girl snaps, trying to get the collar off.

Carlisle chuckles and gently takes her hands. "My names Carlisle, I'm going to be treating you. And I strongly advise against that."

Her grey eyes glare at him. "Have you seen the state of my car!? I can't afford that shit! I'm screwed!"

"Well you'll be even more screwed if you move and you've got a broken spine. You won't be walking anywhere." He says.

The girl pauses and huffs, dropping her hands. Carlisle chuckles and looks to the medic. "Okay. As I was saying," he huffs. "23 year old female, head on collision with a drunk driver. She's very much lucid and aware, didn't KO, and won't accept any painkillers. Her names Wren Cooper." John finishes.

Carlisle nods and takes her notes. "Okay, Wren, let's get you looked at." He finally fully looks at her and smiles a little - despite the blood and the cuts, and the scowl on her face, she's a very beautiful girl. "Why don't you tell me what happened?" He says, undoing the neck brace to feel her neck.

"I was on my way to work - which I am now late for! - and this guy just comes out of nowhere. Coming the wrong way down the street. I didn't have time to react." She huffs and winces. "Hey, ow! Jesus. Are you even old enough to be a doctor?" She demands.

Carlisle smirks. "Very much. I guess I've got Peter Pan syndrome. Does it hurt here, or here?"

"First one. Stop that." She groans, swatting his arm.

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