Chapter 1

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Harry was a peculiar kid. Everyone at his school would tell you the same. His relatives will tell you it's because he's a freak, he's teachers will tell you how different he is from other kids and his bullies will tell you he's a weak weirdo. No one actually really knows him. He has no friends, that's what he will tell you. Half of his class will say their he's friends.

This isn't what you expected, is it? You thought he would be the center of all bulling, that everyone who sees him will scowl and turn away, right? That his relative would spread lies about his parentage and his life and they will believe it? Well that's just not quite right. Don't get me wrong, his relatives did hurt him and they definitely spread rumors about him. At first, everyone believed them, they believed that his parents where drunks that got themselves killed. They believed he was a lost cause with no manners and overbearing. Then little Harry went to school for the first time. None of the kids knew what was said about him, how could they, they were just little kids. That's where Harry cousin comes in.

Dudley was huge for his age. Yes he was taller than all the other kids, but that's not what we are talking about. When i say huge i mean he looks like an over sized beach ball, he was way over weight and only getting bigger. His job was to convince everyone at school that he was no good freak that deserved the worst, and he succeeded. At least he did for a little while. Harry was always calm and quite. It got to the point where all the teachers thought he didn't talk. He didn't. That's what planted the seeds. Then they realized how smart he was. He just started but he could read the non-picture books already. He could already write too, though i mean i guess he had to. That is how he communicated after all. It took awhile to figure out, no one wanted to talk to him so at first he didn't need to communicate.

Then one day a substitute teacher came, she was new to town and there for didn't know about little Harry. So when she saw him sitting alone in class with a book he shouldn't know how to read she got curious. She later took on being a teacher full time. There he was again. This too little boy all alone, reading a book that the older kids struggle with. So she did the only thing she could to find out what was going on in his head, why he was alone, and talked to him. She found out that he actually understood what he was reading, that he could write. She found out he didn't talk. The other kids got jealous about the attention the new teacher was giving the freak and told the other teachers about how weird she was for it. When the other teachers asked her about it she told them about his muteness, about how he had no friends and how she didn't know why because "He's such a nice kid, and he's so full of energy." Now didn't that confuse the staff. Can you imagine, the little quite delinquent was 'full of energy'. Huh! the entire room was laughing.

Safe to say the teachers watched him a little more. Harry, being the center of attention, realized the change. The other kids didn't, but they didn't have to know. This gave Harry more confidence, so much so that he actually started joining the other kids. Dudley didn't like that and started bulling him with his friends. Soon Dudley's friends stopped, that's because they realized how nice and friendly he can be. They didn't do anything to stop Dudley's bulling though.

He can do things no one else can and he doesn't even realize it, or at least that's what it looks like. So, now Harry is one of the most popular boys in his school. Where everyone that has talked to him would say he is their friend. Harry doesn't mind it but if you asked him he would say he has no friends, They are all more of friendly acquaintances. Everyone believes they know him, but if you actually ask they realize they don't know anything about him, not even his favorite color. No one knows how he does it, he's the friendliest most fragile child you will ever meet, yet he is such a mystery.

So when he is sitting in the corner of the classroom with his eyes close when it's play time, every one is gonna wanna play with him. One problem though, it doesn't seem like he can hear all the kids calling his name. That's when the nice teacher comes in, Mrs Green. She can't let him sleep or else he wont sleep at nap time. She just has to call his name once, and his eyes open. They open and everything in the room stops. Since when do the little green eyes of Harry Potter, Glow?



◉ None of the Character in this piece is mine (except Mrs. Green)Everything belongs J.K Rowling.

◉The drawing at the top is not mine either, I found it on google. It belongs to DeviantArt. NOT ME!


Sorry it's short!!! This is my first Fan fiction and i didn't know what else to add to this part. I'm going to try and make future chapters longer.

If you have any tips for me or constructive criticism i will gladly take them all in with an open mind. If i made any mistakes i am really sorry i haven't proof read anything. i wanna finish writing this then i will go back and proof read it all.

I really hope you enjoy this.

have a lovely morning, day, evening or night.


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