Chapter 9

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"Abbott, Hannah!"

Hey! That's the girl Harry bombed into on the train! He probably doesn't remember that though. Smart, but supper stupid. Does that make sense? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Harry needs help.


There was a large outburst of clapping and cheering for the new Puff. The blonde made her way to the second table from the left, where under some black over robes, a yellow uniform could be spotted.

"Bones, Susan!"

This teacher is really loud. Harry! Pay attention, these are going to be your classmates. Oh, wait. He cant here me.

There is so much people here... Harry seemed a bit shaken. Pansy, deciding that maybe it was good to get out her comfort zone, hugged the boy. Harry froze up, she could feel it, but she didn't say anything. After a moment Harry hugged back. It was a little tight, but he seemed to be doing a lot better.


Another round of cheers. Susan made her way to the same table Hannah did and sat right next to her. She seemed really happy sitting there and the whole house welcomed her.

"Boot, Terry!"

Harry faintly wondered how long more it would be till his turn. He was so exited and nervous that he didn't know what to do with himself. What if something happens before his turn? Or during it? What if he doesn't go to any house!? Or nobody likes him? that is what happened in his old school after all!

No, that won't happen. Dudley isn't here this time. None of the Dursleys are. Nobody knows him, who he is or the rumours that are spread about him. This is a new school. New people. Everything is going to be different now. He does already have friends! His first friends...


Terry made his way to the table second to the right for his house. These students all had blue in their robes. Harry also noticed that Terry's tie had changed from the plain black all the first years had to a blue to match his house. He looked towards the Hufflepuff table and noticed that the two girl's - Susan and Hannah- had matching house ties too.

Why do they sort us into houses? Thought our protagonist, who was now looking at the man in the middle of - what can only be assumed as - the staff table. He had a ridiculously long beard and a ridiculously throne like chair. Oh! And what seems to be a ridiculously absurd twinkle in his eyes. How did he even do that?

Harry wonders if hobbits, elves and dwarves are real like werewolves and goblins are (Elves are, but not the kind you're thinking about Harry). Are there some wizards who use staffs or did use staffs? Are staffs like phones? Start of big and get smaller till their wands? What about when they get to small to be wands? Rocks maybe? Or some sort spell that works like a chip? Did I do something there, are chips even a thing in this time?

Hogwarts is a boarding school right? Which means dorms. Which means beds. Beds! And food! Enough food for a whole castle. He gets a bed. He gets fed. He gets a friend. Didn't even have to beg.

Okay, that was a bit depressing.

"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione! Harry watched his friend go up. He was a little more forward than he remembers. And G? In the list already? A, B, C, D, E, F, G. He was so zoned out he missed C, D, E and F? Oh well! Where is Hermione going?


Okay this is actually taking quite a  bit, for the other 3 he remembers the hat only took a few seconds at most.

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