Chapter 8

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"Welcome to Hogwarts, the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." The woman explained in a tone that just demanded you listen. Harry definitely is going to try stay off her bad side. She seemed like someone not to cross.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." She looked around the the chamber and lingered her eyes on a few children with untidy uniforms, Ron looked to be one of them. The woman left and everyone immediately started chattering eagerly. Most were wondering what they had to do to determine which house you where in. Ron brought up that his brothers said that they had to fight a troll or do some sort of test.

If the house best suits you and your strengths then they wouldn't put children into a physical fight right? There are other muggle-raised children attending Hogwarts after all, and it's not like they they made it compulsory to learn before actual school. You can't rely on children to do that by themselves either. I mean, they are only eleven years old - not exactly the most responsible age is it? And sure, he did - so did Hermione - and maybe some of the children that that grew up in the wizarding world did know some magic. You cant count on it though, Ron didn't seem like he knew much magic, and Harry doubted he was the only one.

So fighting a troll or any other magical beast was didn't make sense. Trolls were known for there magic resistance skin, so unless you were a very smart - or at least creative - then you won't stand a chance. They're also very big and incredibly heavy! If you did manage to knock one out, you would have to be careful to make sure it didn't fall on you. There was also the fact that they couldn't keep a whole years worth of trolls in a room and if you used one on multiple opponents it would just anger it. The list just kept growing and introducing more problems.

A personality test maybe? they could charm the paper and quills to keep from lying or something similar I guess. But why would they do that in front of the whole school. Not only would it set everyone's nerves on edge, but no one would actually want to watch a group of kids write on a paper- err parchment. That was out too.

They said it was some sort of ceremony, people might be interested in that. Magic might be used to sort you into your houses. It made the most sense so far. Harry couldn't help but wonder how that would work.

Wait, weren't Ron's brothers tricksters? Why would he trust them for something like that? No wonder they carry on, if he keeps falling for it like that.

A loud scream erupted from the kids in the chamber and - on instinct - everyone looked towards the source, hoping to see what caused the ruckus. Ghosts. A whole lot of Ghosts. Harry knew they were real, a casual thing in this magical world even. He did not however, think he'll meat some this soon.

They were talking about someone something named "Peeves" and how he - oh it's, sorry *he's*, a person not a thing - wasn't even a real ghost. What? Okay, if you say so. Apparently one wanted to give him another chance. Is this preformed? Ghost or not, you had to of heard the multiple screams when you are in the room when it happens. Even if you did come through a wall, they obviously can still hear each other. Maybe an indirect warning about this "Peeves not-a-ghost" character. Awe, how caring!

Finally acknowledging the many eyes on them, the Hogwarts ghost welcomed the children and one of them - the one that wanted to give Not-a-ghost a second chance - exclaimed how she was looking forward to seeing some in her old house, Huffelpuff. Harry noted how it seemed like the Slytherin and Ravenclaw ghosts weren't there. There were other ghosts though.

The strict lady came back to shoo away the ghosts. The amusement in her eyes telling her she expected this. Definitely staged.

"We are ready for you." Oooohhh, The sorting is coming up! Harry clung onto Hermione's arm, she happened to be closest to him, and tried to refrain from jumping. Strict lady lead them into the hall and down a path created by four long tables. Each having a different color detailed into the robe and ties. So this is the house tables? Probably. Harry hoped that they could sit with friends if nothing special was occurring. He doubted that they would all go to the same house.

The ceiling of the hall looked like it wasn't even there, that's how high it was! Isn't that amazing?! It even looked like the sky! 'Mione said it was bewitched to do that. Does that mean it rains in the hall to? Or will it only look that if your looking up on a rainy day? Will it show if something passes over them as well? Is Hedwig comfortable and safe where ever she is right now? Ok, that one was random and not on topic, but he's worried for his first friend he has ever had, okay. Don't judge him. Only I can do that.

Back to narrating, Harry looked forward to see Strict lady putting an old stool down and then a hat on top of it. Magical artifact, got it. Then it started to move. Okay... but it was magical. Next thing Harry knew, the hat had a mouth, a voice and a song. It was actually really good at singing.


Uuuuhhhgggggggaaaaaa. School.

I'm really sorry 'bout this. It's late, it's not as long as I wanted I wanted it to be, and it's pretty much boring and relatively weird. But I haven't gotten as much time as I would like for this and you guys disserve something. We are already starting Cycles and I have to study for them, so this would maybe be the only one out for a while.



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