Checking into Rehab

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Hakeem POV
I decided to check into rehab we have finished filming the movie and I feel it's best to check into rehab because I need to be there for the mother of my kids and my kids and I haven't been there lately and she deserves for me to be there and they deserve for me to be there especially since she's about to have twin boys and I haven't been there so today I'm going to check into rehab I'm not going to tell her why I'm checking into rehab because I just can't come to do it myself I'd rather her hear it from my parents than me. So I'm about to call my mom and just tell her.
Cookie: hello?
Hakeem:  hey mama I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be checking into rehab because I've been suffering from a cocaine addiction and I need to be there for Tiana and the kids because I have not been there so could you tell her for me because I can't do it myself.
Cookie: Hakeem why didn't you tell me before, this is gonna break Tianas heart boy you know she's been working non stop. Those kids are gonna lose it . They miss you enough as it is already but I will let her know. I'll tell your brother and Teri and your father but Keem promise you will divorce maya . I haven't seen Tiana , Smile in I don't know how long boy!
Hakeem: Ma you know me and t , think it's best for us to stay apart I do love her though can you make sure to tell her I'm at the center right now and tell the kids I love them to and everybody else bye ma love you.
He checked in the center good thing TMZ didn't get a hold of it.
Cookie POV
I don't know how I'm going to tell Tiana about hooking checking into rehab due to cocaine addiction but I will be there for her the best I can and I will support him best I can but what matters to me the most are my grandchildren . I don't understand why Hakeem is doing this he just needs to leave Maya .I never knew he had an addiction to cocaine ever since maya  been around he's been acting funny towards Tiana and I don't like it she deserves better than that she's been there for him like no other woman could be and I will respect you enough that boy has put her to hell . That girl deserves more than enough. Right now I'm pulling up to her house I have a key to get in and  call out for her .
Cookie: Tiana!
Tiana: Coming
Cookie: okay we need to talk . It's about Hakeem.
Tiana: oh lord
Cookie: so Hakeem has checked  into a rehab center
Tiana: okay and why is that?
Cookie: he's suffering from a  cocaine addiction and he wants to get better for you and the kids and he told me that he will be divorcing Maya also.
Tiana : (starts crying)
Cookie: hey t it's okay he is a Lyon he will come out stronger then ever .
Tiana: I just want my kids to be happy . That's all I wasn't raised in a two parent home and that's all I want for my kids. I got pregnant at 16 my mom , I never really knew her . My dad didn't know who the hell he was and I'm thankful that I'm her with my kids on this earth bc everything can be gone in the blink of an eye. When Keem got shot . I thought I lost him and my kids would have to grow up without him . I just want him to be okay. For our babies that's it .
Cookie: I'll come back tomorrow and you have to tell the kids as much as it hurts , just let them know. That he's gonna be gon for a while again .
Tiana POV
Tiana: (sniffling) okayy ! Mia, Bella come here
Mia&Bella: coming mommy
(Then to coming down the steps)
Mia&bella: yes mommy?
Tiana: I'm gonna have a big girl talk with y'all 2 okay?
Mia&Bella: okay
Tiana: so daddy is going to be in the hospital for 2 months because daddy doesn't feel well and he's gonna get better for y'all and your siblings . The baby's will be here soon so y'all have to be a big help with mama okay?
Mia: okay mommy but can we call daddy I wanna talk to him .
Tiana: sure baby and Bella boo you ok?
Bella: yes mommy I'm ok I just miss daddy that's all
Mia: mommy are we going to get to see him on my birthday and his birthday
Tiana: yes babygirl.
Mia: yay okay ! What are you waiting for call daddy
Tiana: okay miss Mia
Calling Hakeem
Hakeem: hello
Tiana: Mia and Bella wanna talk to you
Hakeem: okay
Mia: hello
Hakeem : hey babygirl how you doing you being a big girl for mommy?
Mia: I'm doing good and I've been helping mommy a lot ! Guess what's coming up
Hakeem: what???
Mia: our birthday yayyyyyy
Hakeem: I'm so excited my first babygirl is gonna be 8 and imma be 24 I love you Mia but let me talk to Bella
Bella: hey daddy
Hakeem: hey baby
Bella: are you ok
Hakeem: yes I'm ok , I'm getting better I miss you and I love you
Bella: I love you too
Hakeem: well give the phone to your mommy so I can talk to her !
Tiana: girls go get ready for bed
Mia&bella: okay mommy bye ( gives her kisses)
Tiana: so
Hakeem: tiana I just wanna say I appreciate everything you do and I love you so much the kids are lucky to have you as their  mom you are one beautiful person inside and out don't let anyone tell you different and I'm getting better for you and the kids this is one of the best things I've ever done in my life because yall deserve a healthy man .
Tiana: thank you Keem! I love you too. I will be down there for your birthday, and when you get out of rehab your moving in with me , you will sleep in a different room though.
Hakeem: I'm cool with that how are my boys doing?
Tiana: moving around a lot everytime they hear your voice they kick and prince is such a mommy's boy when they go to daycare he fights and screams so most of the time he is with me .
Hakeem: sound like his daddy . Well I gotta go goodnight I love you.
Tiana: goodnight I love you too
tomorrow I'm gonna get his stuff from that house , time to go to bed.

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