Chapter 14

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Katy's POV

Two weeks passed in a breeze and it had finally hit me that I had to kiss Colby on live television. I think it had hit all four of us as we entered the locker room because our laughter had ceased. I sighed and quickly pulled my gear out of my bag and walked into the bathroom.

I heard a knock on the door and voices talking and then a door shutting. I walk out of the bathroom and throw my street clothes into my back as Colby speaks up, "We got out scripts, Katy."
I look up at Colby who was holding a couple sheets of paper. "Awesome, when are we on?" I ask looking at my phone for the time, 7:55.

"Match before the main event. So, we got a couple of hours." Colby comments looking at his own phone for the time.
"I'm going to go watch the show with everyone else and probably grab some food. I will be back in about an hour." I state as I grab a script and walk out of the locker room.

I walk down the hallway and see Phil standing by the curtain. "Hey Katy!" Phil shouts as I walk over to him. I couldn't help but smile around him. "Loving the hair." He comments making me blush.

"Thanks, whatca gonna out there for?" I ask as Paul Heyman walks over, I quickly nod at him.

"To do what I do best, piss people off." Phil smiles and I chuckle. It was true, he pissed many people off easily. I stand there and joke with Phil for the next couple of minutes. "By the way, you look like shit." Phil smirks as hit music hits.

"What the hell Phil!" I shout at him as I look down at myself seeming what looked so bad.

"April fools Sweet Cheeks." Phil winks as Paul laughs and they walk through the curtain. I sigh and walk away to go get some food.

Holy crap, it's April 1st. I hadn't even noticed. I walked into catering and grabbed an apple before sitting down at a table by myself. "There's my favorite American!" A British accent shouts. I look up to see Stu.

"Look, it's the guy who ditched me and I sat there waiting for him for almost an hour!" I exclaim back as he sits across from me.

"Still upset about that I see." Stu says and raises an eyebrow.

I whip out the fake tears. "U-upset is a-an understatement." I fake cry.

"I see through your outer self, Katy."

"Can you see my black soul? Are you able to feel my cold heart?"

"That's actually pretty terrorizing." Stu makes a face as I laugh at him.

"What's got you laughing?" Randy asks as he sits next to me.

I laugh and shake my head. "Our good friend Katy here apparently has a black soul and cold heart." Stu explains.

Randy nods and smiles. "Hell yeah she does." I high five Randy as Stu looks at us as if we are insane. I guess you could say we are. "Ready to get your ass whooped tonight?" Randy questions me. I shoot him a confused look and he chuckles. "You have the script legit right in front of you and you still don't know that I have a match against the Hounds of Justice?"

I shake my head and look over to a screen that was playing Raw. "You're going down at Wrestlemania this Sunday, Undertaker." Phil sneers and then the feeling of stupidity washes over me in an instance.

"Oh please don't tell me you forgot that the biggest event of the year was this Sunday." Randy sighs and shakes his head at me.

"I've been caught up with some stuff." I mutter.

"Your boys have a six man tag team match against me, Sheamus and Big Show. How could you forget? And then your birthday is two days after it!" Randy exclaims and looks at me in disbelief.

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