Chapter 19

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               Please read A/N at end!

Katy's POV

The Hall of Fame went by quickly and involved many tears. Jon would smile at me and grab my hand as I continued to cry throughout many of the speeches. Colby would smile at me every now and again but Jon would sometimes catch Colby and glare at him. Seeing many different superstars from different eras was beautiful in a way to me, it is hard to describe.

On the way back to the limo, Jon and I got pulled aside and were interviewed by Renee Young. "Katy, you look beautiful tonight," Renee began and I thanked her as Jon's arm snaked around my waist, "whose speech brought you to tears tonight?"

I lean into Jon and respond, "I got emotional during Trish's and Mick Foley's because I love the both of them and Trish was a diva that really inspired me when I started to really get into wrestling. Foley has just always been of favorite of mine because, well, because he is Mick Foley." Renee chuckles at my response and bids Jon and I goodbye.

The walk back to the limo was quiet as Jon kept his arm around my waist. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." A voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Ziggler and he smirks at me. "You look beautiful tonight though, Katy." Ziggler's smirk turns into a soft smile.

I feel Jon's arm tighten around my waist. "Thanks Zig, but 'don't do anything I wouldn't do', what is it that you don't do?" I joke and I hear Jon chuckle from beside me.

"Exactly." Ziggler winks and walks off to his car. Jon's arm loosens around me and I pull him towards the limo. Jon and I were the last ones to get in the vehicle, so as soon as we got in, we headed back for the hotel.

"Wrestlemaina is tomorrow." Colby states randomly from beside me.

I laugh, "Thanks captain obvious, I hadn't noticed." Colby smacks my arm and I just laugh it off. "I'm just waiting for the day to get a long, important match at Wrestlemania." I smile sadly.

"Trust me, you'll get it soon." Jon smiles at me. I lean into him as he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Hell yeah she will, Katy's one of the best divas." Colby smirks, trying to one up Jon.

Jon and Colby have a little glare off like five years old would because one of them ate the last cookie. I roll my eyes and praise the lord as the limo stops in front of our hotel. I rush out of the vehicle quickly with Jon trailing behind me.

"You seem like you want to ditch me, doll face." Jon whispers as he wraps his arms around my waist to slow me down. This man's touch was like a drug to me; it is so addictive. I was thankful he has been all touchy-feely all night.

I laugh and hit the button for the elevator. "I just wanted to get away from Colby's glares." I mutter and Jon laughs as the elevator doors open.

The two of us walk into the elevator hand in hand. Jon spams the button to close the doors as he hears people walking close. The door closes as Colby's face comes into view and Jon continues to spam the button after the doors are closed.

"Calm your tits, the doors are closed." I laugh and Jon finally stops hitting the button.

Jon sighs and runs his free hand through his hair. "I feel like somehow Colby would've been able to get the doors open even after they close. He'd probably tell them to open and they would open, he gets everything he wants." Jon rambles as he stares at the elevator doors.

I let Jon ramble on as we walk towards my room and he still goes on as we stop in front of my door. "Goodness gracious." I mumble and pull out my key card.

Fighting Love (A Dean Ambrose fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz