Did I stutter?

En başından başla

"Did I stutter?"

His cold authoritative voice making her knees to shake and stomach to do summersaults.

"No...but you did mutter"

At this, his fists nearly slammed next to her head and she closed her eyes.
His breath hitting her lips and she knew he was too close.
Too close for her comfort.

"I have seen with my own eyes the kind of girl that you are, so drop with this fake innocence and shitty attitude of yours!"

Her eyes slowly opening to see his beautiful eyes inches away from hers.
Anger evident in them with slight traces of irritation.

"What...kind of girl?"
She managed to ask in a mere whisper.
Her hands holding onto the wall for support.

"The kind that just knows how to wh** around with different men.
The one who use men for money and leave them as soon as they find a better one.
The one who plays with others feelings like a fuc*** game ..a characterless bit-"

He couldn't continue.
Throbbing pain on his cheek made him go silent in disbelief.

Did this girl just slap him!

"Listen good you fuc*** up Royal asshol* !!
You don't know a sh** about me so you better keep your trap shut!
No one...I repeat no one has the right to question my morals and character...and I especially don't need a character certificate from a manwh*** like you!!"

He looked at her with jaw clenched and eyes burning in pure fury.
No man let alone women have dared to slap him and say such profanities at him.
And this girl here just did that.

Her shyness and anxiousness long gone as molten lava of anger ran her veins.
A woman's character comes above all and no douchebag like him has the right to degrade him.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?
Can't believe that I slapped you...then think again for Evalinge Williams takes no shit from any man...fuck*** royalty or not!!

His hands turned to fists at her sides as he wished to kill this girl in front of her.
The words leaving her lips were not so innocent now and her body no longer a captive of his.

"Move back your Majesty for cornering a girl and entrapping her is not something decent men do"

He refused, his burning orbs daring her to continue.
The muscles in his arms flexing and jaw clenching.

"I said move back!"
Anger radiated from her in waves as her hands pushed his bulky arms for release.

"Such ferocity and anger ...tsk tsk little mouse I hate to say it but you just walked into a lion's den uninvited"

Her eyes no longer looking at him.
Her ignoring him testing the last bit of patience left in him.

"You will regret it stalker for I don't forget disrespect. Especially from a puttana like you"

Stepping back from her he ran his hand through his hair and pulled up the hood that has fallen.

His anger not anywhere near saturation and his mind lost in turmoil.
He was going to leave when he looked at her from head to toe one last time.
Her crop top still risen from one side.
Her flat stomach on display and those long waves of brown reaching her waist.

His eyes stopped at her brown ones that were still to recover from the shock of what the hell happened in the last 5 minutes.
Her hands holding onto the wall behind for support.

Seeing her dishevelled state he cursed himself for dealing with this girl again.

How much he wanted her to stay away from him and how destiny was playing and doing the opposite.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin