Blushing scarlet, Rosé hunched up her shoulders and looked down towards her shoes. She had no intention of making eye contact, but Jungkook thought otherwise.

"What are you doing here by yourself?"

Rosé glanced around nervously, unsure what to do. All this time she had relied on Lisa to do the talking but now, Lisa wasn't around so she'd have to make it on her own. She glanced up at Jungkook, red in the face, her reply was a shy whisper, "…Nothing…just…just thinking."

Jungkook nodded, he seemed to be contemplating. His next question caused Rosé to go rigid. "Do you IM?"

Rosé slowly, and what looked to be painfully, her head towards Jungkook, a look that clearly said 'You caught me' plastered on her face. Jungkook smirked at her reaction. His thoughts already whirling with reasons as to why the shock reaction.

Rosé swam through her mind, trying to figure out what Lisa would say in a situation similar to this one. A light bulb suddenly sprang open. She'd deny it of course, but the question was 'how?' Rosé opened her mouth to make a statement but closed it firmly shut. Jungkook let out another chuckle, clearly amused.

"So? I take it that you do. You IM a lot? Let's say…almost every night?"

Rosé blinked once, twice, and shook her head frantically. This was not happening to her. A part of her was leaping for joy because if he found out if was her, well, um…Lisa, but Lisa was doing it for her so it must count; then confessing her feelings for him would be easy. But another part was afraid if he did find out, which was looking pretty possible right now, would he sneer at her and reject her? That was what she was dreading of finding out. She didn't want to know. She didn't want to face reality, she wasn't ready yet. Just not yet.

"Uh…no…not really. I hardly go o-on…j-just sometimes."

Rosé noticed that Jungkook looked a little crestfallen, and that made her heart skip a beat…or two.

"Oh…I see. Does your sister?"

Rosé raised a nervous brow at that. Sister? Which one? Was she referring to Yeri or Lisa? Rosé voiced her thoughts.

"The quiet one."

Rosé gave him a skeptical look. Neither of them were quiet, in fact, they were quite the opposite; except for Lisa, you have to get to know her before she begins chatting away, and when she does…you just wish you had some duck tape.

Seeing Rosé's confused look, Jungkook elaborated, "Lisa."

"Oh! Yeah. But not every night. She's usually reading. But when she's not, she's always on."

Jungkook bit his inner cheek. BamBam had told him that Lisa wouldn't be interested, but…with the new information he gathered, she could be the one. He knew one way to find out.

"What's her screen name?"

Rosé lifted a quizzical brow. Why did Jungkook want to know her screen name? Rosé's eyes widen when a thought sprang unto her mind. Maybe he wanted to talk to her or maybe he like her. If he did, then Rosé shouldn't give him the screen name right? But then another thought came into play, what if he just wants to know if she's the one he's been talking to. But it wouldn't really matter. Rosé didn't know; Lisa constantly changes her screen name. So she replied truthfully.

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