Chapter 4

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Warning: kinda heated make-out session? Idk it leads up to sex but there is no sex scene. Have fun!

John’s P.O.V

Dear God what did I just do?! He kissed me! Yeah. I have no reason to be embarrassed. Yeah. He kissed me first I just… Took it further. Kinda. Ugh God what’s happening? I walk into the kitchen to make some tea. Tea normally helps me calm my nerves. I hear footsteps slowly coming down the stairs. A few moments later I hear the water for the shower start to flood through the pipes. I smile to myself. After I finish my tea I walk back up to my room to find some clothes to wear. I find a long sleeved striped shirt and pull on a clean pair of skinny jeans. I hear the water shut off so I stay in my room for God knows how long. When I finally get bored enough to leave my room I see Sherlock sitting on the couch. I mean you could hardly call that sitting. His feet are where his head should be and his head is where is feet should be. His eyes are closed and his hands are under his chin. His thinking position. I plop down onto the couch next to him and sigh. “Good morning. Sleep well?” He asks, opening one eye. “Slept fine thanks to you.” He nods and goes back to his ‘mind palace’. After about an hour of reading yesterdays paper I got tired of just sitting there doing nothing on such a nice day. The sun is actually shining and I wanted to take advantage of such a day and decide to take a walk. I started to get up and I felt a small tug on my sleeve. “John? Where are you going?” “For a walk Sherlock. You can come if you would like.” “No thanks I have much better things to do.” He says pointing to his head. “I’m on a case.” “Yeah I figured that much. You’re always on a case.” I rolled my eyes and started towards the door but the warmth of Sherlock’s hand wrapped around my wrist stopped me once again.


He pushes me up against a wall. “You can’t leave yet.” He says, his voice dripping with lust. He presses his lips against mine. I lick his bottom lip, begging for entrance. At first he doesn’t grant my wish so I grind my hips into his. He moans and I take this chance to invade his mouth, exploring every inch of it with my tongue. He pulls away and kisses down my jaw line, sucking on my sweet spot. After he is satisfied with his work he attacks my lips with his once again. With a swift motion he picks me up and by instinct I wrap my legs around his waist. We move to the couch, not once breaking the kiss. He moves his hands down to my jeans and says “stop me if you want.” I nod my head and he keeps going. Lets just say I didn’t go on a walk that day.

Okay guys I’m so sorry this chapter is so short but don’t worry this story is going somewhere! And I’m apologizing now just incase it takes me forever to update in the future!! But thank you guys so much for reading this very sh!t story!! Byyyyeee

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