Looks like I won't be needed after all!

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Anakin's pov

*One week later*

"And you're sure you can handle this?"

The obnoxious girl walking in front of me turns her head backwards to meet my question with a smile.

"Well of course! What, you're worried about my safety, huh?"

So optimistic... Especially considering this is her first task. It's not a complicated one, at least that's what I'm guessing since the council directly went to her and asked if she felt ready, with my guidance, of course. And I guess her excitement has to do with the fact that it's her first day outside the temple this week ever since we started her training.
   And sure, she's gained knowledge since her first day but it's not to remarkable lengths. Besides, she still continues to argue about the staff being too unbalanced at the 'hilt'. And without doubt, it is. But that should not be a functional error for a Jedi, considering that you can't always know what kind of tools you'll find at hand.

Since I don't deem her fit for a lightsaber, while on our way to this task, we went into a rather... sketchy shop to buy her a weapon. The ones catching her attention were to my surprise, two short bladed daggers with a serrated edge. When we entered the shop, a simple sword came to mind for her to use, plus that she would get to practice more with a balanced blade as well. Though, the weird light in her eyes were almost giving off actual sparkles and with that said, I bought them for her.

Thus, simple blades of steel would never make any difference in a fight against someone using a lightsaber. But considering we're out to hunt down a smuggler dealing with unauthorized drugs, spotted in a mall on Coruscant's center parts, coming cross an obstacle wielding one is highly unlikely.

Limited information were given to us other than we were to watch out for someone wearing a green seal of a crooked lizard claw. It's the company's signature sign used to help buyers identify their seller, and in our case, our target. Sure, it's a vague task and not very complicated but it fits (y/n) and her current skill level. Besides, this drug called Pixie dust is known for causing the user to behave extremely lustful and even violent if provoked. So it should be a relief to get that behavior off the mall since it's causing bothersome scenes and fights repeatedly. And what's worth mentioning is that the same seal has been spotted at different factory chains all around the galaxy dealing with unauthorized weaponry and human trafficking. Therefore, arresting one of them and interrogating them would lead us to new information about this league, for later use.

(Y/n) slows down her pace and join my side, one hand resting on her hip and the other one twirling one of the daggers between her thumb and index finger.

"What if I am? Would that be so strange? You're my responsibility, after all. Besides, I highly suggest you putting that thing back where it can't be seen before entering the mall. The citizens here will feel unsafe if they see you flailing it carelessly like that."

She returns it to her belt with a nod and runs a hand through her (h/c) locks, strands smooth as silk glowing in the bright afternoon sun. The sun looks so radiant on her skin, a phenomenon I have not seen, or at least noticed on anyone before. I have never bothered to look for details like that regarding anyone, but it was almost impossible not to see on (y/n).

"It's not strange. I just don't hear you saying nice things to me very often. It's a pleasant change for once."

Nice things, huh? I don't think I have that much nice to say about you, my dear.

I chuckle, which causes her to look at me with searching eyes and a tilted chin. Her bottom lip twists slightly before she speaks up.

"What's funny?"

My dear apprentice - Anakin!skywalker x fem!reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن