Chapter 51//Troye

Start from the beginning

A few hours later we have to leave to prep for the production. Connor tells us he will be there when the curtains rise. I throw the key at him and he snags it in the air as he sips at the dregs of his fourth cup of coffee. We smile at him then climb down the ladder and start walking towards the auditorium. I take his hand and look up at him as we enter the auditorium.

"Ready?" Tyler stares back at me with a big smile and big bright blue eyes.

"Ready." We walk into the green room and are immediately separated so we can go into hair and makeup. It seems like hours before I see Tyler again, when in reality it was probably an hour at the most. We are waiting in the wings for the production to start. I can hear the buzz of the crowd and Tyler kisses my cheek to calm me down.

"I love you, Troye." He says and I pull him against me for a real kiss.

"I love you too, Tilly." Yovanna signals us to start walking on to the stage and we do exactly as we are told. I can hear our peers whispering encouragements to us as we walk by and I relax letting myself become my character.

Before I know it we are in the final part of the last scene. The scene where we die. They run out on stage holding bow and arrows pointed directly at our hearts. I do something that is not scripted but it feels so right that I can't not do it. I pull Tyler against my chest and kiss him as the arrows "enter" our bodies and we fall to the floor bodies intertwined.

"And in the end we learn that even the strongest of love can be hopeless." The narrator says and the curtain closes. Yovanna runs towards us and pulls Tyler and I into a bear hug.

"TROYLER!" He shouts in our ears and we laugh. "Thank you for bringing my work to life. Thank you so much. That was truly amazing. That kiss at the end. I'm so glad you thought of that Troye. That was genius." We get in a line for curtain call and I wrap one arm around Tyler and one arm around Ana. We bow and as soon as the curtain closes I'm tearing off my weird clothes.

I head into the green room and change into my dinner clothes. I see Tyler doing the same thing and we walk out of the room together. Everyone is congratulating us as we walk around trying to find our families. Eventually we spot them and we head to the car for dinner.

We arrive at a small restaurant and we walk in as one big family. We sit down at a long table and my mum starts looking at me funny. I roll my eyes at her and look at my menu as Tyler rubs my knee in a comforting manor. Once the waitress takes all of our orders the conversation starts to pick up a little bit. Steele looks very uncomfortable and just by looking at him I know that he has something big to tell the family.

"Spill it, big brother." Sage says before I can say the words. Everyone turns towards Steele and his fiancee, Lucy. Steele gives a god damn it look then takes a deep breath. He grabs Lucy's hand then opens his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by his blonde haired wife to be.

"I'm pregnant." A chorus of gasps is replaced by cheers and hoots. Even Tyler's family looks happy for us.

"I'm too young to be a grandmother!" mom says glaring at Steele before smiling happily. "This means you have to visit more often."

"That's another thing. Lucy and I are moving back. We found a nice little place not to far from yours." Steele says and my parents look so excited. They really don't like that Steele is away from the family so much. They know that Steele doesn't really like it too much either.

Tyde flicks Sage in the ear as our food starts to come. Sage twists his arms until dad tells them to settle down. Its not uncomfortable like I thought it would be. Tyler's mum and aunt are getting on with my family wonderfully. The mood and food are great. That is until...

"So Tyler where are you planning on going to college?" My father asks and I can see Tyde pinch him underneath the table. They all know that I don't like talking about the fact that Tyler is going to be three thousand miles away from me.

"Los Angles. Not to be rude Shaun but I'd rather not talk about college. Ruins my mood." Tyler squeezes my knee underneath the table and I give him a smile. My dad hums then goes back to his food. We keep up light conversation for the rest of the meal but nothing to heavy. I say goodbye to Steele, Lucy, Jackie and Sammy when we leave the restaurant. Then we pile into the van with my parents and my siblings.

"Mom can I stay with Tyler for the first part of the summer?" I ask when we are almost back to school. I had only just now remembered the converstation Tyler and I had had about this. My mum looks back at me in the mirror then back at the road thinking about it for a minute before anwsering me.

"No. You can go for the end of summer though so you are with him before he leaves." I look over at Tyler and he seems to accept that. I lean agaisnt his shoulder for the rest of the ride. My family swarms me and Tyler with goodbyes before driving off.

"Lets go find Con." I say and Tyler nods. We head to our dorm first and luckily we find Connor there sitting in his bunk looking like he's just figured out the meaning of life. Tyler and I sit down on his bed and look up at Con. Connor looks down at us and then says something that I totally would have never guessed.

"I'm bisexual." he looks scared but as soon as we are smiling and heading towards him with open arms he calms down. Tyler and I hug him and tell him that we still love him and that everything is fine and nothing has changed. "I love you guys. You two are such amazing friends."

"I love you too." Tyler and I say at the same time. We start laughing and Connor seems so much happier now that he has gotten that off his chest. Obviously are next question is if he has his eye on any boys here at JMA.

"I don't know..." Connor says scratching his elbow. "There's a few cute boys..." Tyler and I are getting a kick out of him talking about boys. It's so good to see him being him true self. I'm so glad I'm here for him at this crucial moment in his life

Hey guys it's Amanda and if any of you give me shit for Connor being bi I will shove hot popcorn kernels down your pants (not really I love you but don't give me shit) also I really like this chapter and the reason I made con bi is pretty obvious yee. If you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you sugar tits..

Tumblr/twitter: SmilingTilly

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