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Sweat was dripping from my face. I tried to sit up, but my whole body felt too heavy. I couldn't see everything, but one thing was clear for me. He was here. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew he was standing beside me.

"Have you come to watch me die slowly?" I had no idea how I was still able to talk and sound sarcastic. I managed somehow. He took a step closer and got lower. I could see the darkness of his eyes. They had changed. It wasn't like before.

"You have no idea." He half smiled his words. He made a movement with his hand. A strange thing if you had asked me, but here I lay. In a world I had only been able to imagine. Dying. Because someone shot me with an arrow. The world became dark around me. I couldn't see, Couldn't hear. This was it. I was going to die. And it was going to be slow and not painful.

I woke up by a cold touch against my head. There was a boy my age sitting beisde me. I remembered that prince Viridian had been there seconds ago. I was feeling better. A lot better. My thoughts ran immidiatly to my leg. I sat up in a fast movement. My hand reached for the wound. Ready to feel a sting from my touch. It wasn't there. A small white line with a bit of red was visable trough the small hole in my jeans. The boy didn't say anything. He got up and left. What had happened? Was this some sort of joke? I got up. My leg felt still a bit weak, but I could finally stand on it. The heavy feeling in my head was still there. Might just be a headache because I stood up so fast. I walked outside to be welcomed by a midday sun. I knew I had slept. But how long? Was it a few hours? Maybe it was a few hours. I could not care. The soldiers were all gone. Probably sleeping. They must be saving up the strength for the new fight they were planning. I was alone. The tents around me were stange to me. I decided to walk a little. Strengthen my leg a bit. Also to look around more. I reached some open spot between tents. I noticed how the grass had changed. The trees around the tents had been higher before. This wasn't the same stop as before..

Such a bad guy ~ Prince ViridianWhere stories live. Discover now