"Uhm, Miss. I also forgot. I have somewhere else to go. I'm sorry, Miss."

And just like that, the two students who said they were willing to help are now gone.

"I thought they are glad to help but I guess I'll just do this myself, then." The teacher couldn't help but to scratch her nape for all the work she has to do.

While on the other hand, Mew is running here and there. He is checking every restaurant in the city with hopes of seeing Gulf and Podd. Why would he do that? He doesn't know. It's his feet which led him to where he is now. He has already checked a few restaurants but not even a single shadow of them is found. 

"What are you doing, Mew? Are you out of your mind? What is it to you if Gulf and Podd are meeting tonight? Shouldn't you be at home now, resting? But why are you wasting your time looking for them?"

Mew is pulling his own hair in frustration. Even people around are looking at him, thinking he is crazy. He wanted to stop. He wanted to just go home. But his mind is telling him not to. Deep down inside him, he's wishing Gulf will not show up.

But right when Mew just turned around, there he saw Podd and Gulf. By the looks of it, they probably had just met. Mew quickly searched for a place to hide, with eyes still fixed on them. 

"I was afraid I kept you waiting, Podd. But thank goodness, I did not." 

"No. Not at all. I'm glad you came."

And Podd leads the way to the fancy restaurant where he made reservations with. He couldn't hide his excitement. It's all written in his face. And Gulf is aware of it.

"You know what, Gulf, you are the first person I celebrated my birthday with."

Podd was saying those while smiling.

"How about your parents?" Gulf is cutting his steak when he asked Podd. And when he heard what Podd said, the knife in his hand slipped. Podd immediately asked for another knife.

"555+ Why are you so shocked? I'm used to it though. Every year, I celebrate my birthday alone. I am no special to them, I guess. Work comes first. 555+" Podd was laughing but with dead souls in his eyes. Gulf looked at him- no. Pity him. 

"I was the only one he invited yesterday and yet I didn't even make it. How heartless and useless am I?"

"About yesterda---"

"Forget it. What's important is, we're celebrating it now, right?" He smiled at Gulf and Gulf smiled back at him. 

"Still, happy birthday, Podd."

"Thank you." Podd playfully said while putting his palms together as he bows, eyes closed. 

"By the way, I have something to give you."

Gulf was surprised to see a box wrapped nicely. A gift, to be exact. He looked at Podd with questioning eyes. 

"Why are you giving that to me? It isn't my birthday. In fact, it's yours but why?"

But instead of hearing anything from Podd, he just realized that the gift is now in his hands.  

"I am just thankful for this night. And oh please, accept this. I accepted yours, so you should, too." He shows Gulf the perfume he got from him. Left with no choice, He just accepted the gift. When he opened it, a fancy cellphone case welcomed his eyes. 

"I was just thinking of getting a new one since mine's already old. Thanks a lot, Podd." He took out his phone and replaced its case with the one Podd gave him. 

"I'm glad you like it." 

The truth is, he heard it when Gulf's talking to Mild, that he wanted a new case. That's where he got his idea of giving him a phone case. Plus, he will get to see Gulf using it everyday. It is more satisfying than ever, in his opinion.

On the other hand, Mew couldn't take what he is seeing right at that moment. He is standing right outside the restaurant, keeping himself hidden as he stalks them. Actually, he already had planned going but his feet are kept stuck from where he is standing. Like, he wanted to watch them until they decided to go home. 

"Why are they still not going home? It's already dark. Wait, what am I saying? I should be minding my own business, not like this."

He was about to leave only to find himself dialing Gulf's number. At first attempt, it was not answered so he tried again. Until Gulf answered on the third attempt.

[Hello, Phi? Why did you call?]

To be honest, he didn't know why he suddenly called Gulf. He was silent for a few seconds.

"Think, Mew. Just think of anything."

[Phi? Ah~ Must have been accidentally dialed.] 

Gulf was about to put the phone down when the other line speaks. 

"Gulf, can you pick me up?

I need you.

I need your help. Someone snatched my wallet."

Right after hearing Mew asking for his help, he immediately told Podd about what happened to Mew. 

"I am so sorry, Podd, but I think I have to go. P'Mew needs me right now."


"Happy birthday again, Podd."

Gulf didn't even let Podd say another word and left already. 

Podd was left dumbfounded. Again. 

"But I need you, too. Right now."


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