Chapter 13

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Gerard’s POV


I was scared to bring Frank to the bar, considering he had problems being around people, but after our talk earlier that day at the diner and seeing how well he was doing I felt much better about it. He still held on to my hand, though I could sense he was perfectly fine. I didn’t sense any anxiety or nervousness on him like I usually did.

I shifted my eyes from the band to Frank, who had a wide grin on his face and was enjoying the music. Even though punk music wasn’t my favorite, considering I was more of an 80’s alternative kind of guy, I still liked the style. It was empowering, and the community was accepting and open minded. I could see why he loved punk music so much.

Frank held my hand for the majority of the time we were at the bar. He would let go occasionally to adjust his cape or clap, but for the most part he kept a grip on me. Towards the end I could tell he was getting tired, considering he was leaning on my side.

By the time the last set finished Frank looked exhausted, but very satisfied.

“So,” I put my arm around the sleepy boy. “You had fun then?” I laughed.

“Yes that was amazing!” He stumbled a bit before catching his balance. “So are there any more surprises or can we go home and sleep?”

I smiled at him. “No, you can go sleep now. Do you want me to walk you home?”

Frank’s eyes widened as they looked up at me. “Wait--no! I want to go to your house!”

I laughed. “That’s what I thought.” I sat on the bus stop bench. “Let’s just take the bus home, you don’t look like you’re going to make it walking.”

Frank nodded and sat next to me, leaning his head against my shoulder.

“You’re so cute when you’re tired,” I teased him.

“What? Cute?” he leaned up. “I am not ‘cute’!”

“Oh, but you are.” I pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, placing one between my teeth and lighting it. “You’re adorable.”

He blushed as he tried to hold back a smile. “Shut up, you’re the adorable one.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong Iero, I am superior to you. Therefore you’re the adorable one.” I tapped my cigarette ashes onto the cement.

“Okay fine then, ‘Mr. Superior’. If you can’t be adorable then you are magnificent.” Frank leaned back down on my shoulder.

“Oh, is that so?” I shifted my torso to face him. “Magnificent can only be used to characterize a person who has magnificent qualities though.” I inhaled a puff of nicotine, blowing it into the brisk October air. “Thus you are wrong again.”

“I’m not though!” he defended. “You are magnificent in many ways.”

“Like what?”

“Well, you have a magnificent voice, and a beautiful face.” Frank pulled his legs up onto the bench. “You’re the best antipsychotic I’ve ever had.”

I laughed, scooting close. “You think I have a beautiful face?” He nodded. “Well I have to say, it’s nothing compared to yours.”

My eyes suddenly felt as heavy as Frank’s appeared. I gazed at him fascinatingly as my hands curled on the bench, my palms slightly sweating. There was a pause in the conversation, during which I melted in his hazel eyes yet again. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my breathing slowed. His eyes fluttered shut. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his cold, soft mouth.

I heard the loud noise of the bus pull up. I leaned back, smiling at Frank before pulling him up. We sat in the back again, where he fell asleep in my lap.

“Come on Frankie, we’re at our stop!” I tried to get him to stand up. “Come on, we’re almost home!”

After a lame attempt to wake him up, I picked Frank up and thanked the bus driver as we got off. I carried him down the street and up the stairs to my apartment. I loved when he was tired, and even more when he was asleep. I layed him on my bed and took off his shoes, cape, and jeans. I tucked him into bed, taking his fangs out of his mouth.

“Happy birthday,” I whispered as I climbed in next to him and kissed his forehead. “Sweet dreams, Iero.”

I woke up in the middle of the night to a buzzing noise. At first, fatuation clouded my mind and forced me to ignore it. I turned over to find Frank curled against me, he was so cute. The buzzing stopped for a minute before starting again. I pulled the blanket over our heads and wrapped my arm around Frank’s torso.

I drifted back to sleep, or at least until the buzzing noise woke me up again. Annoyed, I got out of bed and answered the phone.

“Mikey?” I sighed as I walked out of the bedroom so I wouldn’t wake up Frank. “Do you know what time it is?”

I laid on the couch, rubbing my greasy hair with my fingers.

“Ger--ard,” Mikey’s voice cracked in dryness. Something was wrong. “Gerard, it’s mom, she--she…”

I leaned back up, growing increasingly more worried every second. “Mikey,” I felt my heart drop to my stomach. “What’s wrong with mom?” My head felt lighter than ever, like I was going to faint. I could hear him sobbing behind the phone, and even though I already knew what had happened, I asked again. “Mikey! What happened?”

“Gerard,” Mikey finally choked out the words. “She’s dead.”


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