The Great Escape.

Start from the beginning

             He shot me an amused look as he sat across from me.

       "Your office is actually kind of interesting. You don't really talk much about yourself, so I assumed it would be boring but- Hey! Is this a Gameboy? I haven't seen one of these in forever!" I exclaimed like a child, picking up the red Gameboy and turning it on.

           Jared laughed. "Sometimes, I question your age." He then took the Gameboy out of my grasp. "But we have serious matter to discuss. Director Fury knows that you snuck in to see Loki, but he's not as mad as I expected him to be. It seems to me that he got more answers with you than he did with Loki himself."

          "Well, that's because I lied." I informed Jared in a hushed whisper.

           "Ah, yes. But Fury doesn't know that."

         "Are you saying that you want me to lie to Director Fury- who is practically like the big boss of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

         "I'm not the one who promised a demi-god his freedom." Jared pointed out in a sing-song voice. I frowned. He was right. I got myself into this mess and I'm going to have to dig myself out of it, even if I don't have a shovel.

           "But that's not going to help me get away with seeing Loki when I need to."

           "Yes, it will. If Fury sees that Loki trusts you more than anyone else, he'd most definitely help you sneak off to go see the culprit himself. All you need to do is lie and act your way through it. Listen, I'm still kind of iffy about this whole situation but if you're going to do it, then you need to do it right.”




           A few weeks passed, each one going by fast. I've only seen Loki once since Fury had confronted me. That visit's purpose was to see what I could get out of Loki, and when it failed, Fury decided there was no longer a reason to have me visit him. Jared and I've been planning a way to get Loki out of the headquarters, but this was a big spy corporation we're talking about. It could take up to months to plan a succesful one, and Loki seemed to be growing impatient.

         The day we picked was the same day Clint, Natasha, and Steve had missions to attend to, taking a handful of agents for backup with them. Tony had invited Bruce over to STARK to check out some new equipment he created. Director Fury also had some business to attend to, so that left Maria Hill in charge which is just as bad because she's always on top of things too. The more I thought about it, the more I questioned what I was doing.

          My gaze was intently fixed onto one of the janitors. I watched him, waiting for the right moment to strike. Once his headphones were in, I snuck up behind him, pinching at his pressure point until he collapsed. Pulling him into one of their storage closets, I dug through his pockets and smiled as I found what I was looking for: a level seven master key. It gave me general clearance to some of the rooms, and even though Loki's room was top secret, it would help me get to his floor without complications.

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