66 3 3

The sun shines through the window and lights up the dark room

Golden rays gently kiss his forehead , waking him up.

He groans as he wakes up

Sitting up on the bed , he admires the view of his room

The golden light scattering around the room making it look ethereal

A knock on the door interrupts the brunette earning a frustrated groan from him

The door creaks open and a nurse approaches Taehyung .

She smiles at him and gave him his medicines.

"You'll be discharged today"
She reminded Taehyung before leaving

~ T    I     M     E            S   K    I    P ~

Taehyung's P.O.V

I get in the elevator happily

I'm happy that I get to leave this hospital and stay with everyone else at home but also sad at the same time

Will I not be able to admire the golden lit-up room again?

Will I not be able to watch the colors of the sky slowly fading into each other....ever again?

End of Taehyung's P.O.V

A melancholy smile spreads across his lips

He's brought back into reality by a cough from a boy behind him

He's surprised by the presence of the boy

He thought he was alone

They both made eye contact and just stare at eachother

The brunette stares into his big, innocent eyes and the boy stares back

He coughs again to bring the brunette to reality

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you were there"
Taehyung bows a little and apologizes

The boy just nods at him

He takes in the features of the boy

He has innocent and soft eyes , pale skin , pink lips , a little muscular body and caramel brown hair

Then he notices his uniform

It's his school uniform

Taehyung then notices that he pressed the button for the basement

No-one goes into the basement except the staff

" Um...why are you going into the basement?"

The brunette asks

"Mind your own business , Taehyung"

The boy answers

The brunette is shocked that the boy knows his name

Before he could ask anything else he had to get of the elevator

He parts his ways with the boy he just met

He takes a last glance at the boy with a soft gaze and the boy returns the gaze

Taehyung's  P.O.V

I get off the elevator

I kinda liked the boy

But why was he going to the basement?

How did he knew my name?

End of Taehyung's P.O.V

" Weird guy"
The brunette mumbles and exits the hospital

Oh poor boy

*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*

Author's note:

Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter.

I'm sorry for not updating , school has been killing me lately and I also had my exams so I wasn't able to do update but my exams are finished now and I'll try to upload more chapters ヽ(^◇^*)/

Anyways, tell me your opinion about this chapter and vote if you liked it .  (✿◠‿◠)

Take care of yourself and stay safe

I purple you

((┘ ̄ω ̄)┘💜💜💜💜💜

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