Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"We are on opposites sides!" Anne protested, "I cannot trust you."

"Princess Anne, please. We cannot stay here. Richard adores you and Isabel married George. We can protect you." Gates crashed open with an influx of chaos and men flooding the courtyard. Roger appeared from the Abbey, holding John and facing Katy. Katy quickly mounted Morgan and Anne her chestnut mare. She heard horses but focused solely on Roger and John.

"I am Anne Neville!" All sounds drowned out in John's panicked blue eyes, the same ones that has always been so full of mischief and fun. Roger forced him to his knees, just has he had done with her, pulling the blade from his sheath.

"No," Katy whispered. "No!" She screamed as his lips curled into a smile.

"Call off your guard! And come to me!" He demanded. Katy suddenly looked around the land. A group of Irish had surrounded her, ensuring no one came close. Richard pulled Anne from the group of men that had pulled her to the ground. Richard called to her from the side, she saw his mouth moving but heard nothing.

"Disperse," Katy commanded, moving toward Roger. He had such a pull over her with her fear. Morgan moved through the men carefully. "You've lost. Spare him and I will speak with my husband about sparing you," her voice shook as she spoke. Morgan sensed her uneasiness, pacing before him.

"If you look away, I will kill him."

"You have my attention. Do not harm him." A sudden hand grasped her thigh and Katy looked down at Richard. Blood and dirt stained his face, his dark curls a mess on his head. She quickly looked up at Roger, who laughed. He dug the blade into John's neck, crimson blood spilling to the ground below. His blue eyes stared at her empty, devoid of the man who had come to fight for her. "No, no!" Tears immediately spilled from her eyes, collapsing on Morgan's neck.

"Heard you were looking for me!" Francis yelled, dismounting from his horse and drawing his sword. "Let's finish what we started, Mortimer!" Katy looked up through her puffy eyes, the world surrounding her blurring together from her tears. Francis struggled to hold him as Richard hit him across his face.

"War is no place for women. You should've known better," he taunted Richard. Katy dismounted and approached the man, putting her hand on Richard's shoulder. He relaxed slightly at her touch.

"Beheading is too good for him," Francis called.

"We will have him drawn and quartered in London," Richard asserted, embracing Katy. She felt queasy, her stomach in shambles. Katy quickly pushed Richard away and dropped to her knees, vomiting forcefully. Richard knelt next to her when Margaret finally emerged. Richard stood beside Katy, daring not to move too much from her.

"I have orders to bring you to London."

"Where is my son?"

"Edward, Prince of Wales, died with honor in battle." Margaret moved towards him, Anne slightly behind him.

"We will claim sanctuary," she grabbed Anne and moved back into the Abbey.

"You will be dragged from sanctuary. The rules have changed, and we do not recognize sanctuary for traitors." Katy looked up from her knees, watching Richard carefully.

"I can make you King, name you my heir. She could be your Queen, and the child she carries our next prince." She motioned to Katy, who began heaving again. Her entire body rejected all she had seen today. Richard was unfazed by Margaret's comments.

"I will have you bound, gagged, and paraded through London should you not cooperate. Exactly what your son threatened he would do to my wife."

"The Dowager Princess will ride with me, "Margaret whispered something to Anne. Both mounted their horses, standing still as Richard moved back to Katy. Gerald wrapped an arm around her, helping her to her feet.

"She shouldn't ride to London tonight, your Grace."

"No, she will rest. Thomas can begin moving her back to London." Katy looked at her dress, now covered in blood, mud, and vomit.

"Richard-" He helped her mount Morgan and shushed her.

"We are going home, but I must do one thing." Richard climbed on Gawain and rode to his post. Margaret rode ahead of him, behind Thomas and Francis. Anne was due to follow except that Richard snatched her reigns, just as he had done to Katy so many times. Anne fought him, arguing though Katy could not make out the words. Anne sat shocked as Richard smirked, tying her horse to Gawain and riding to Katy. "Dowager Princess Anne will accompany us to Sudeley. We will be returning her to Isabel." Katy smiled softly at Anne, riding next to her.

"I am happy to have you with us, Dowager Princess," Katy whispered, lightly putting her hand on Anne's. Anne removed her hand quickly, showing her distrust of Katy. "I know your sister does not find me in favor, but I should hope we may be friends." Anne looked up at her and smiled softly.

"I should like that very much."

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