Chapter 11- Ten Men

Depuis le début

"What is it?"

"Well there are a few of them. Not really anywhere near each other. It's like there are some stray people, but there is no family. You have one over here, a few scattered throughout these states, one small family over here. None of them are anywhere around here."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, it's like they're trying to keep themselves hidden."

"Have you pulled up all records?"

"Schools, police files, everything I can get my virtual hands on. There's nothing in this area about any Freemont's or Klarke's."

"Where's the nearest place that has any?"

"The nearest place that has a Klarke and a Freemont is California. There is one Freemont and two Klarkes."

"Looks like we're going on a bit of a road trip."

"What?" Jason's eyes went wide at that.

"We're going to go find them, and then we're going to figure out what they know. You have your computer, and I have ways of being persuasive."

"We can't just leave. I mean, don't we want backup or something?"

"They're just humans," I pointed out.

"We don't know how many of them there are. And they've obviously found a way to keep us prisoner. Do you really want to chance that?"

"Fine, I'll get some of my father's men. Are you happy?"

"Do we have to go right now?" Jason asked nervously.

"You've left the pack limits before, haven't you?"

"Well yeah, to see the uncle I told you about. But that's only like, fifteen minutes away."

"Well it's just like that, only it's a lot longer than fifteen minutes and you won't be seeing family, you'll be seeing monsters."

Jason still didn't look sold on the idea, but I was going, and he didn't really have a choice. I needed him to find those people.

I went downstairs.

"Dad," I called through the house.


I went back to his office and pushed the door open. "I need about ten of your men."

"What?" I couldn't tell if he was surprised, or angry that I didn't ask, I just told him.

"Ten of your men. I need them."

"I already have fifteen out scouring for this girl," he said a little angrily. "I can't just lend you ten more."

"Then lend me ten of the fifteen. I'm going on a lead. I need the men in case we find her."

He just looked at me.

"Look dad, we're going after a lead. They have people who know how to take care of werewolves, Allison didn't go without some sort of fight. If you don't give us men, then we're going to have to involve the local human authorities."

That got his attention. He knew as well as I that we couldn't let humans in on this.

"Maybe I-"

"Dad, there isn't anything the "Mayor" of Nether Heights can do in California. You don't have any pull in the human world outside of this town." I tried to stress just how little power he had outside of our world. He was perceived as the Mayor of a town and that's how the human world saw it. We did what we needed to, to fly under the radar of suspicion. From the outside world we looked just like any other town. We sometimes housed human visitors but we never had room for them to move in. 

"Fine. But you are to check in with me periodically. There is no running off with my men and coming back a week later. You will give me a call at least once a day. Preferably two or three."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I knew he was setting it as a precaution. 

"Have the men ready to go in one hour. They'll follow me out."

My father nodded once and then looked down at the papers scattered across his desk for a moment. 

"I know I never gave her a chance before. I was only thinking for myself. For that, I am deeply sorry son."

"I guess you'll just have to give her that chance when I bring her back," I said sounding more sure than I felt. But I had to admit, with this new information, I was gradually feeling better about it all. I just hoped this proved useful and that at the end of this trip I would have Allison back. I needed to see her safe and sound, I needed to ask her my question, and I wanted to start out life already. I was ready for this to all be over. 

I went back upstairs telling Jason to get whatever he needed and if there was anything he didn't have but was going to need, to let me know. We were going to leave in one hour, anything we needed I would make one stop for on the road. After that, it was straight to California. 

When he left, I got my own stuff together and piled it into a car. I watched as in groups of three men came back in until I had ten. They were preparing their own cars and I felt the nervousness building in me. I was finally going to do something, we finally had a lead. I smiled slightly to myself and waited until Jason finally showed up. 

Then we pulled out and headed out into the world of humans. 


So Alarik and Jason believe they have found something. I wonder how this will turn out for them. Next up with them, a trip to find some Klarkes and a Freemont. Next chapter however is another one with Allison. 

Remember to leave your COMMENTS and VOTES! Thanks all and have a wonderful day/night/evening/etc. 

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant