A Way Out of the Desert - A Short Story by @JeffreyVonHauger

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A Way Out of the Desert

The knock came at 0600 hours on the button. Clarence pulled his head out from under the kitchen faucet and looked at dust floating in the light beam under the front door. He spat a mouthful of gritty water into the sink and grabbed his turbo-blaster off the counter.

"Who's there?"

"Casper told you we would be departing at this time," said a rigid female voice.

Clarence snatched his poncho off the floor and pulled it over his head as he walked to the door. He reached up with a big black hand, undid the deadbolt, and opened the iron door with a clang. Sunlight flooded in and the shape of a humanoid looked down at him.

"Silverback Gorilla. Thirty-five cycles old. 219 kgs. Three-meter arm span. You certainly look fit enough for the job... considering your age." said the woman.

"I'm thirty-two, lady. Who are you? And where's Casper?"

His eyes adjusted and the shadowy figure came into view. She was an older model synthetic with bronze skin and short-cropped curly hair dressed in desert gear; flat-footed boots, water preserving jumpsuit, goggles, and a billowy white scarf wrapped around her head and shoulders.

"Mimeo-Wandergraph, you may call me Mimi. I've recalibrated my age indicator. Casper is in the car. Follow me and maybe cover that head of yours."

Clarence pulled on his helmet, flipped down the visor, and yanked the poncho's hood over top. Underneath, he wore spacer boots and custom made leather combat fatigues that matched his blue and orange helmet. He was overdressed for the climate but he was wearing everything he owned. He holstered his blaster in a diagonal sling worn across his chest.

The lanky woman and the squat knuckle walker made their way across the empty boulevard. Sun-bleached sandstone buildings were shuttered against the morning light. Mimi went around to the driver's side of a parked dune buggy that was mostly engine with a front windshield and two rows of seats under a tarp. Clarence climbed into the passenger seat.

A meter-long tree frog swaddled in a white toga lay across the backseat. The squeaking shocks on the oversized rubber tires woke him and he lifted his goggles to reveal big red gooey eyes. He splatted three disc-tipped fingers on the seat and pulled himself up.

"Ah, Mr. Diamond, are you ready to depart this planet?" said the frog.

Clarence settled into the seat, his short legs not reaching the floor.

"Yeah, I've had sand in my fur for a week. You were a little fuzzy about the plan last night?"

"I can only image. I'll fill you in as we drive. Mimi, to the rendezvous."

The synthetic fired up the old combustion engine vehicle, jammed it into gear, and weaved her way toward the edge of town via side streets. Casper laid back down and spoke up into the canopy.

"You've met my partner Mimeo. She's my driver, pilot, and bodyguard. She's a reprogrammed Zero-G commando."

"I'm a free-thinking individual, thank you," corrected Mimi.

"And a brilliant one at that. She also handles strategic analysis for me. My plan—"

"The plan," said Mimi.

"Yes, the plan... is simple. There's a Jakz smuggler launch platform out in the desert. No vehicles are allowed to or from it. Then there is no trace of activity and plausible denial for the local authorities. One hand washes the other and it's business as usual."

Tevun-Krus #81 - DesertPunkWhere stories live. Discover now