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In Real Life!

"I'm bored," Kenzie huffed and shut her laptop.

"Me too," Johnny said, staring off into the distance.

"What are you even looking at?" Kenzie asked.

"Nothing," He replied nonchalantly.

"Do you wanna down to the beach?" Johnny asked.

"Well it looks like you had a great time there yesterday with Nadia," Kenzie spitefully said.

"It wasn't like that, she wanted to go check out the gift shop and she asked if I wanted to come," Johnny shrugged.

"So, do you still want to go to the beach? I heard they sell mouthwatering and amazing donuts there," He nudged.

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Okay fine. I hate you for using donuts against me."

"OMG! Y'all are getting donuts and going to the beach? I was thinking of going there later and to get some donuts, but might as well go with you guys!" Nadia barged in uninvitingly.

"Wait, were you listening to our conversation behind the door or something?" Kenzie crossed her arms.

"Pfft, No! Of course not! That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day!" Nadia coughed trying to not make it obvious that she was lying.

"You have to work on your lying skills, because right now they're terrible. And what's your obsession with inviting yourself when no one clearly wants you there?" Kenzie remarks.

"Hey! John! Are you going to let her talk to me like that? I did nothing to her this time! All I suggested was us hanging all out together, but she clearly has a problem with that!" Nadia cries out and looks expectantly at Johnny.

"This time," Kenzie snarled.

"Guys! Calm down! It's not even that big of a deal!" Johnny sighed.

"No Johnny! You don't get to decide that! This girl clearly has a problem with people that are better than her. For example, Kenzie, how many times have you cried at night knowing your sister is a better dancer than you?" Nadia shouted.

Kenzie gasped and at that point she was ready to pounce at Nadia and wrestle her to the ground, but Johnny's phone rang.

"Oh, just give me a second," Johnny mumbled.

"What could be so important right now that you have to talk to someone right now? Unless it's eMiLy because lately that's all you care about," Kenzie laughed bitterly and Johnny bit his lip.

"Yeah, I bet she's the one calling you right now; she's literally obsessed with you! She's either calling you, or asking to go on dates at the ice cream parlor! Before you know it, tomorrow she'll be over here in the Bahamas!" Nadia shrieked.

Johnny held his head. "I can't deal with this right now," He murmured.

"You know what? I'm tired of you Johnny for always making excuses and Kenzie for being super annoying and trying to take everything away from me! And I'm also tired of the fact that none of you guys want me here, and now I don't even care if I don't go on the stupid beach with you guys, which will be a shame, since you guys practically begged me to come along with you guys. Whatever. Your loss; I have better things to do," Nadia screamed while stomping out of the room.

"So Emily, I think I'm going to call you back," Johnny said while whispering into his phone.

Kenzie looked at Johnny and scoffed, and she went to leave the room and slammed the door behind her.

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒, 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀, 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 II 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.Where stories live. Discover now