Sonamy Boom: Time Machine Catastrophe!

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"What. The. Hell. Are. Those." Sonic said, as his eyes grew wide at the little hedgehogs standing right in front of him.

"Hi, dad!" One of the little ones exclaimed. He sure did look a lot like Sonic himself.

"Woah, Sonic, he called you dad! You didn't tell me you had kids! But don't you think Amy's a little too young to have children?" Tails asked his big-brother figure.

"T-Tails, seriously, they aren't my kids! I'm not dating Amy or anything!" Sonic stuttered. The truth was that he was madly in love with Amy, he just didn't want to admit it.

"What do you mean, daddy? You always go to mommy everyday and kiss her, and tell her that you love her! You two leave us with Uncle Tails while you go on dates!" The youngest one said. He was an exact replica of Sonic.

"Be quiet, Skid! Daddy tells us that he loves us too! Right, Blur?" The middle one said, looking over to her right, where a midnight blue hedgehog, possibly six, looked up.

"Yeah." He looked up to Tails. "Uncle Tails, did you make a shrink ray? 'Cause you look shorter than usual!" Tails looked at himself. He looked completely the same.

"How old are your parents?" Tails asked, hoping he could find out who their parents were. Their parents certainly couldn't be Sonic and Amy. Amy was only 14, and Sonic was going to turn 18 soon. The oldest child looked about 6. Definitely not Amy's child.

"Daddy is..." the youngest, who's name is Skid and was about 3, stared off into space, trying to remember. "27!" Sonic looked surprised. He tugged at his scarf. That would've meant that Amy would have his kids at the age of 18...Was he really that much of a wimp?!

"Do mommy and daddy have rings on their fingers?" Tails asked, as if he knew what Sonic was thinking.

"Yes! Mommy has a diamond ring on her finger, along with some other rings." So, they were engaged at the time?..

"Are they married?" Sonic asked, interrupting Tails from asking the exact same question. All three of the children shook their heads.

"Mommy said that you and her will get married soon, and she said I could be the flower girl!" the middle one giggled. She looked so much like Amy. She had jade eyes, with speckles of emerald in them. Sonic loved her immediately.

"Sonic, these kids must be from the future! How did you three get here?" Tails asked, hoping they would say through his invention.

"Well, you told us not to go near that," the oldest one pointed to the machine that the kids came through."

"Fascinating. It must be a time machine." Tails muttered, forgetting about the four hedgehogs in the room.

"Oh boys! I brought the food you asked for!~" An angelic voice appeared, and the trio ran toward it. Amy was surprised by the sudden warmth on her legs, and found three little hedgies stuck to her, yelling "Mommy!" "You're back!!" "WHERE WERE YOU?!" Amy wondered whose kids these were and why they were calling her 'mommy.' They looked like a mix of herself and Sonic.

"Amy! Thank Chaos you're here! These kids are from the future! They came through a time machine! They're ours." Amy widened her eyes. She looked back at the hugging hedgehogs.

"This isn't a prank, right? You're telling the truth?" Amy said in a gentle, sensitive voice, which surprised Sonic, as he was used to hearing her coaching, cheering voice. "You know my feelings aren't a toy you can just play with." Yeesh, why was she so moody?

"Ames, it's not a prank, I swear, they're our kids." Amy's cheeks went red. "No time to fantasize, our future selves are probably worried sick!" Amy shook out of her thoughts and all the questions she had.

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