I thought I was drunk, but as it turns out, that's a real dragon!

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, moving takes a long time, and it took me a week. I don't have much, but I also didn't have much help with the heavy stuff. It also took some time to unpack, and get the internet going. Without further ado, let's start the newest addition to the books. (This is after edits).

The sun shines its golden rays through out the land. This signals to most that it's time to wake up. Out in a mountain a dragon looks around, and hurriedly flies off into the sky. But this story isn't about some random dragon. Let's go to our protagonist. Meet 25 year old F/N L/N. All his life he was nothing out standing, but he was at least above average. Always getting high B's and occasional A's on his report card. He had a few friends, but didn't really care about getting more. He even convinced his childhood friend to get an apartment with him. Though, he has no romantic interest in her. At this moment, they're finally waking up for work. Y/N works for an overseas company, as a stock broker. He typically stays home, but goes to work with Kobayashi if he has time. Enough exposition, let's start the story. 

Kobayashi: "My head hurts." *Grabs her glasses* "I drank too much."

Y/N: "Well you did go over your usual limit, so you should've been weary of the consequences."

Kobayashi: "But you were paying for drinks last night, and I finally got to have top-shelf drinks again."

Y/N: "You know I don't like to spend my money on alcohol. We go out for drinks fairly often as it is."

Kobayashi: "Well, I can't argue with that." *Feels a cool draft of air* "Brrr. It's cold in here."

Y/N: "I'll go turn off the fan." 

He walks over and flips the switch. After a few seconds, it turns off.

Kobayashi: "Can't we just skip work today? I really don't want to go back to work."

Y/N: "You know I would love to, but we need the rent for this week."

Kobayashi: "What would one day do to us?"

Y/N: "I... I don't actually know. But I don't want to stand around and find out."

Kobayashi: "Fine, I'm going to get dressed."

Y/N: "Okay." 

He grabs his clothes and leaves the room. After a few minutes, Kobayashi enters the living room. Now wearing her suit.

Y/N: "Here." *Hands her stomach medicine*

Kobayashi: "Ah, thanks." *Takes a swig of it* Too bad it's grape flavored. Man... my back hurts. "Are you going to accompany me to work today?"

Y/N: "Only if you want me to."

Kobayashi: "You always say that, and I always say yes. Come on, dummy-kun."

Y/N: "We should stop to pick up breakfast once we hit town." That's an old one, dummy-kun. 

Kobayashi: *She puts on her shoes* "Today we're running the integration test on that program."

Y/N: "Sounds like a busy day for you."

Kobayashi opens the door, only to reveal a giant green dragon. The dragon blinks and then proceeds to roar at them.

Y/N: Am I drunk right now? "Sorry, but you're a giant dragon. So for that reason, I'm out. That's a nope from me, close the door!"

Kobayashi: "Agreed." *Slams the door shut*

Y/N: "Ok, what did you just see?"

Kobayashi: "A dragon?!"

Y/N: "Good to know. Ok. Let's count to ten, then let's open the door." I Gotta stay calm, or I might have a heart attack.

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now