Y/N Starts his First day of Teaching.

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A/N: Welcome back to our monthly issue of Y/N-san's Strange Life With Dragons. This time Y/N will start to get to know his class. Sorry for the delay, I've gotten busier.

Y/N: "I'm off!"

He adjusts his jacket

Kanna: "Goodbye!"

Tohru: "Come back safe."

Kobayashi: *She hugs Y/N* "I won't be home until late."

Y/N: "Do I have to rip you out of the office again?"

Kobayashi: "No."

Y/N: "Be honest. How many hours do you have planned?"

Kobayashi: "The usual..."

Y/N: *He pats her head* "I'm going there right after I've finished my shift."

Kobayashi: "They won't allow that."

Y/N: "It's not like I ever give them a choice."

Kobayashi: *She fixes his hair* "I think you should be off to work, dear."

Y/N: "Fine, fine."

He opens the door and waves goodbye before walking to work. He sees Tsuchida quickly riding to work.

Y/N: "Hello friend."

Tsuchida: "Hmm?"

He slows down.

Tsuchida: "Did you walk here again today?"

Y/N: "Of course. It's a nice day out."

Tsuchida: *He shakes his head* "You're something else, I'll admit that."

Y/N: "Hopefully that's a good thing."

Tsuchida: "It is." A little strange, though.

Y/N: "I see. Well, I shouldn't keep you here too long, see you at work."

Tsuchida: "Right."

He waves before riding away.

Y/N: Seems like he overslept again.

He checks his phone before continuing his walk. On the sidewalk in front of the school, he sees Anzu and Tsuchida.

Sakura: "One more thing."

Y/N: What's happening over here?

He walks over to the group.

Sakura: "Anzu has something very important to tell you."

Tsuchida: "Important?"

Sakura: "Go ahead, Anzu-chan!"

Anzu: "I... I'll be your bride!"

Tsuchida: "Bride?! Mine?"

Y/N: "Excuse me?"

Anzu: "Y/N-sensei, good morning!"

Y/N: "Good morning, Anzu-chan." Maybe I misheard?

Anzu climbs on top of Tsuchida's head.

Y/N: How did she do that? Is she that light?

Anzu: "I love you, Tsuchi!"

Tsuchida: Not in front of my co-worker! NO! Not at all! Stay cool. *He awkwardly smiles* "How precious."

Anzu: "Mommy, do you think I can be Tsuchi's bride?"

Sakura: "Don't worry. I'll do whatever it takes to get you married."

Y/N: She shouldn't be encouraging this! There are some things you don't joke about.

Tsuchida: "What? Surely you're joking, Sakura-senpai."

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now